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 Ethan has been holding steady this week.  He has had an incredibly sore mouth and throat.  He has gained 2 pounds (water weight) since being home from the hospital.  He has been resting.  Yesterday he decided that he felt well enough to go to Race Warz and do some filming.  He said the distraction was nice because he didn't feel to bad the whole day.

I did hear from Ethan's cardiologist. He and Ethan's regular doctor decided that it is best for us to keep the hematology appointment next week.  Ethan was not thrilled with this because he always thinks there is a chance they will hospitalize him on the spot.  

I worked a lot this week to make up for lost time spent at the hospital earlier in the week.  This will help for when I qualify for Paid Family Leave (which I will qualify after all of the delays we have had).  This is another one of life's hidden gifts. The delays have had actually worked in our favor, even though they were incredibly frustrating. We kept hitting road blocks, but financially this will be good for us to help maintain our household when Ethan has his big surgery.

Avery got her braces off this week.  She looks so cute. She also got a huge compliment from her english teacher about a writing piece she did.  She thought it was terrible.  I told her that I wouldn't change a thing about it and to turn it in.  Her teacher LOVED it.  She was so happy.  I then told her she should ALWAYS listen to her mother (ha ha).

Ethan goes back to the cardiologist in a week and a half or so.  If he feel like he is having distress breathing, he will be admitted.  If he feels ok, his doctors say that it is ok to give this virus another couple weeks and then send him for evaluation.  We just have to be patient and try and keep life as normal as possible. Humor, family, friends and laughing get us through. Thank you for all of your support.
