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👍 11/28 4:00 pm

Getting Ethan ready to come off of the paralytic medications is quite a complicated algorithm.  There is a fine line of balancing blood pressure, blood gasses, heart rate, respiration rate, sedation, pain control all at the same time. I thought it would happen quicker.  This team is trying to preserve whatever mental thoughts he has and give him the best chance possible.  They want him sedated and not thrashing, not delirious.  Seems reasonable. 

They are giving him a medication to help with delirium. This will help ward off those demented and skewed realities that he may be having. It may not remove it completely but at least they are trying to be cognoscente of his terrified young brain. 

They are weaning and shifting around his medications and trying to be proactive to anticipate what Ethan's next curve will be so they can act fast. Moves and counter-moves. He is keeping the team on their toes.

It's so cute.  The nurses are all following up on his progress.  Even the ones that didn't take care of him.  That makes me feel good as a mom that they all care so much. They are like our own personal cheerleading squad. I saw our nurse today for the first time without her mask.  That's weird.  All these people and I only have half a face to remember them by. They all have shields, double face masks and their voices are often muffled. Sometimes, I need to repeat what they said in my head a few times until I can figure out what they are saying, just because it is hard to hear over all the background noise.  PAUL.....DON'T START WITH MY HEARING LOSS.  YOU HAVE HEARING LOSS TOO AND IT IS WORSE THAN MINE. Ha ha.  This is a long time joke in our house. Paul either "man listens" or can't hear well. The kids will back me up on it. He denies it because one time his cardiologist told him that he had fine hearing.  His cardiologist. Insert eyeroll here.

Ethan's restraints' are in place to make sure he doesn't pull out any of his chest tubes. Also to help keep him in the bed since he had this drive to get back in the garage as soon as possible. It will be interesting what he comes up with tonight as far as him communicating on his white board.  I have the I-pad charged and ready to go with The Office. So glad the hospital had one we could borrow.

The paralytic medication has a side effect of increased secretions.  They keep having to suction his lungs and mouth because it gets murky in his lungs and prevents him from oxygenating well.  They have him on 60% oxygen. He is doing the rest of the work by himself which is encouraging.  When he falls short, they are there to supplement but making his body do some work.

It will be 3 weeks tomorrow that we have been gone. Wow. I would never had guessed that things would have moved so quickly if you asked me 3 weeks ago.

I am happy to report the has had a low-key day so far.  I was even able to talk to Paul, Avery and my Mom, all separately, on the phone today.  Hopefully it will continue to go in this direction.


  1. So far so good.... Looks like you guys are prepared for whatever he wants to throw at you. Keep that chin up and keeping looking for the little gifts that keep coming your way.

  2. Glad you could stay with him thru all of this. Hope all continues on the road to recovery.

  3. OK Ethan stay steady on the road !
    You need to round the bend
    And get back home to us soon!!!

  4. OK Ethan stay steady on the road !
    You need to round the bend
    And get back home to us soon!!!

  5. OK Ethan stay steady on the road !
    You need to round the bend
    And get back home to us soon!!!

  6. Ethan stay on the road!
    You’re ready to turn the bend
    Stay on course !
    We want you back home with us as soon as possible

  7. Sounds like the team is ready for whatever Ethan throws their way. Does he still have a fever? Get your sleep when you can. I hope he tolerates the change in his regimen, another positive step in the right direction. Big hug!


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