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11/29 5:25 am


Stare at the picture for a moment. Blue is the color of many favorable things. Blueberries, blue birds, the sky, the ocean ๐ŸŒŠ. Blue offers a calming and peaceful feeling.

In the picture above, none of these hues of blue offered me any sense of peace and serenity.  In fact it was just the opposite. I saw every shade of blue pictured above, in my child’s lips for a little over 10 minutes. It was like a kaleidoscope of blues washing over his lips.

 Ethan had some mucus in his tube. When he was suctioned he went into A flutter again. This would be time number 4 tonight. Ethan’s oxygen level dropped to 32 for a little over 10 minutes as the team rushed to bring it up. I watched, helplessly, hoping that no real damage to him brain is happening.  There is always that worry. My heart is sad for him.

Then, they ordered an X-ray. The X-ray lady popped his cooling water matt and water burst all over. They spent over 10 minutes cleaning up that mess. Have you ever tried to move an intubated 17 year old boy that is comatose with wires and tubes going everywhere?

We are now at 14 pumps running with one on deck if he acts up again. This room has had a continuous stream of people in it all night. Every person setting foot in this room has made some sort of impact in Ethans life over the last 12 hours. 

I gave Ethan a pep talk. It went like this “Ethan, we are both tired. Relax and stop throwing curve balls.” Yeah....I am not a great motivational-ist.  Fingers crossed it works.



  1. Patt my arms and Heart are wrapped around you...
    ๐Ÿ™Please God show us your mercy
    In Jesus name we pray ๐Ÿ™

  2. Oh Patti I am so sorry all this is happening. We all want nothing more than for Ethan to get better and I hope this happens sooner than later. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers

  3. We love you both. Sending you love and huge hugs.

  4. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Praying for a Mom’s strength. And for Ethan as well....

  5. Please God haven't they been challenged enough. Time to get my prayer warriors moving.


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