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๐Ÿ’™ 11/29/8:45 pm

Ethan's culture and sensitivity came back on the mucus he was coughing up.  It seems he has a stenotrophomonas maltophilia (say what?) infection has caused pneumonia in his lungs. Who is the dingbat that came up with that one?  Why didn't they make it a little more simple. He is being started on an antibiotic that the culture showed was effective in killing it. He will be on that for the next several days.

I think today has gone well.  The only curve ball was pneumonia. They have him on breathing treatments, and do suctions a lot. They have been trying to lower the doses of certain medications. 

Let's assess Ethan's last 7 days: 

  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Heart transplant 
  • collapsed lung
  • lung and heart by-pass for 5 days
  • Stroke
  • Blood clot in lung
  • Blood clot in heart
  • Another surgery to remove blood clot in lung and heart.
  • another collapsed lung
  • two urinary catheters (ouch)
  • several feeding tube attempts
  • A third surgery to come off bypass and close up chest.
  • atrial flutter and 24 hour pacing
  • bacterial pneumonia
That is one hell of a week. Ethan's down to 14 pumps. Can you imagine a week like that?
Nurse LM-BP (don't forget the hyphen) finally left. PHEW!!!!!

Ethan's new nurse is one we have not had but he has been on this floor and I have seen him a few times. I guess the nurses can request what patient they get, so he must want to work with Ethan OR he drew the short straw.

So far I like him.  I caught him singing along to one of the songs I put on for Ethan.  I keep changing up the music for him.  Right now it is Linkin Park.

The first contact provider came in my room at the start of his shift.  He worked last night and spent the majority of the night assisting with Ethan.  He gave me the tentative plan.  I told him that fingers crossed, Ethan will be good. I told him "no offense but I don't really want to see you."

He told me that if I need to leave at any point that they would take care of him.  This was in reference to our discussion about how I left today to have a private meltdown. I reached for my wallet and started to open it.  I started to say "Let me give you some money.  I am going to go back to Rochester, when he is ready to go home, just get him a bus ticket." I got him to crack up. They are going to put a note on our door.  I have been stifling myself so much for making comments and I am getting lazy.

I am hoping Ethan is good tonight.  I am getting ready for bed quite soon. Another day of healing under our belt.


  1. I’m glad to hear you got a new nurse. The last thing you need right now is having her around. That list is unbelievable!!! What a week for sure!

  2. Sounds like you deserve more than just a margarita!

  3. We are thinking of you all daily. Thank you for the updates. I read them everyday. Rest is much needed for you. As soon enough he will be home keeping you all busy with his favorite car stuff. I'm sure he too has a funny sense of humor. He learned it from you. I miss you so much at work. I listen to the voice message the other day because our phones were on the fritz. I secretly got emotional and pulled my sh#t together. Love you friend.

  4. Hope the music is relaxing him
    It does have a tendency to
    help the the mind and
    spirit !
    Hope you can rest and that you and Ethan have a much better day tomorrow that is well-earned snd needed!!
    Nighty Night๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Sleep well Patti, that is what you need. Today was a good day and hopefully that is a good sign. Good night Ethan, please be good tonight and sleep well๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

  6. That is an impressive list for Ethan. He worked hard last week don't you think?


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