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💤11/30 7:25 am

HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. No crisis situations, no 20 people running in with multiple alarms and bells going off all at extremely loud decibels. No me trying to read furrowed brows or having their pitying eyes on me. Inhale big, exhale big. But I am not letting my guard down.

At one point in the night I heard an alarm going off at one point and woke up to ask if everything was ok.  His first contact provider was standing there. I said "Hey, I thought we agreed that you were going to stay out of here tonight." He laughed.  He said there was nothing to worry about he was just stopping by to check in.

Ethan's fever is coming and going but they are doing daily blood cultures and treating the pneumonia.  It doesn't help that he is just laying there (geesh what a lazy kid, ha ha kidding). He is getting breathing treatments to help support him.

I popped out of bed and walked down to the shower, hoping I had beat the other parents.  Have I mentioned how gross it is to sleep in your mask all night and then enjoy your own toxic morning breath that is trapped in your mask? What kind of bacteria party is going on in my mouth while I sleep? Yuck!

On my walk to the bathroom, something was wrong. I felt odd. Wait.  My head is foggy.  I think all the noise from the machines is taking a toll on my hearing.  I can't hear very good.  Normally I take an allergy pill to help with fluid in my ears. I better take two today. Normally the fluid doesn't make things sound so weird. Wait a minute.  I still have my ear plugs in. I am a dingbat. Ha! Glad I didn't take two allergy pills.  I would be a zombie.

I was the first to the shower.  I remembered my towels and my soaps. That makes like two days in a row. I put some laundry in, which is on a different floor.  I went to go get my coffee and the machine was out of order. I must have looked sad, because the respiratory therapist said "is everything ok?" I told her that I just wanted coffee and the machine was broken.  The coffee machine provides free coffee and espresso to parents. It is a lifesaver when you need to feed your daily kick in the pants coffee habit. No big deal, I can go down to the café when they open at 7:00. She asked me how I liked my coffee.  Black.  Like the black hole black. 

Moments later, she came back as if an angel descending from the sky, clouds parted, rays of sunshine behind her, warmth around her.  She is my hero today.  A small gesture that made a big deal. Why aren't we all trying to do this every day? She gave me a cup of coffee, she had to walk to a different tower to get it. WOW! Thank you.

I decided to throw in some laundry. No one was using the machines.  The machines are three floors down. I just leave my clothes there. If someone steals my underwear, they obviously have more issues than a sick kid in the hospital.

Who knows what today holds.  We are going to roll with the punches. I feel like I am in a much better state of mind.  A rested mind. 


  1. Things always look better when you have had some sleep. Don't let your guard down but enjoy your moments and coffee for now. Love you!

  2. 💜💜💜 virtual hugs to you, Ethan, Paul and his medical team ( except hyphen nurse).
    Going to be a good week for Ethan...

  3. Carina Meyer
    First mono now pneumonia? Jeez Ethan, stop making everyone work so hard!
    It's amazing what a night of decent sleep can do for your nerves. Glad you got some shut eye.

  4. Gee Patti—-
    I wish you could express yourself better👍🤣🤣Just kidding for sure!
    I can picture your “adventures”
    We pray 🙏that this day is the
    beginning of “”SUNSHINE “🌞and RROSES“ 🌹for YOU and ETHAN
    Lord knows you both deserve them !
    And needless to say that —all of us that love you both and are on this journey with you —could use some of the Rays of the 🌞
    Keep the Spirit and Courage Patti!
    And if you’re really good, and they stealYour “Undies” I’ll
    Send you more underwear that have the Days of The Week on them
    So you know we’re thinking of you everyday ❤️

  5. So glad for more sleep and coffee 🌻

  6. So happy for you both. Let's hope we have turned a new leaf. We can all learn from that gal that gave you the coffee. The world needs more people to show kindness. Little lessons in the midst of turmoil. God Bless Her too. I hope you have as good a day as you did night. Prayers are never ending.

  7. Yay, I’m so happy it was a non-eventful night and you feel a little more rested. We shall name that nurse the “coffee goddess!” You do make me laugh with your shower, ear plugs and now laundry antics.
    Praying for a quiet, relaxing day for the two of you (did you hear that Ethan?!). Always keeping Paul and Avery in my prayers🙏🏻

  8. Glad to hear that you got some much needed rest, and a new nurse. Take care of yourself and things will get better each day. Love you guys.

  9. 💙 so much love for the fierce Momma you are

  10. Glad to hear he had a much needed night of rest. Now if only YOU could get some rest. I'm sure it's easier said than done. I am constantly thinking of you and Ethan, and continuing to pray.

  11. You're cracking me up in the midst of all this. I concur... If someone wants underwear from a hospital washer and dryer, they may have bigger issues to deal with than you do! 🤣🤢


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