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Update 11/25 11:30 am

Ethan’s nurse overnight gave me the ultimate compliment. He said that when Ethan was getting frustrating this morning that my voice was very soothing and it even made him feel more calm. I am going to add that to my resume. Maybe I can make my own “calm” app. And just soothe people all day long.

Ethan has been coherent more today. He even needed a little extra sedation because he was “pushing through” the morphine.  He hates his breathing tube.  He has asked for it to be removed multiple times. I don’t blame him.  He really hates the daily floor cleaning Zamboni. It is too loud.  He flipped off the zamboni when it drove past his room. I have since closed the door. He doesn’t like noise. Never has.  He was the kid who brought ear protection to the movie theatre.

He is still asking for his phone which “needs to be charged”.  He also did a good job communicating his feet were cold and he needed socks.  His nurse had to go find the biggest pair she could. His feet are much bigger than the rest of the kids.  Someone else walked in the room and said. “We NEVER see those socks”

Neurology came today and he did really well on his exam. When they all said hi to him, he waved with his left hand. I did let them know that his exam will be done on him as is. No turning off pain/sedation. He is now moving both eyes together. He can see out of both eyes. He is gaining strength in his left hand. 

They had him squeeze his left hand and right hand. He then had to pull up his right arm.  He used his strength. The neuro guy said “geez you are strong, you could beat me at an arm wrestling contest.”  Ethan smiled at him.

The neuro team asked him to wiggle his toes.  He wiggled his toes, moved his foot around and lifted his leg up. Show off.  It did make me smile. 

They seem very encouraged and will have the physical therapy and OT visit him. We are in the process of getting him a white board to communicate better. The letter board was not helpful for him.

His cardiologist came and let us know that his echo from yesterday was still showing the right side of his heart being weak. They can’t really tell what his lung pressure is like. They will do another echo today and compare them.

The plan is today to turn down the ECMO this after noon and make his heart and lungs more responsible for their normal functions to see how strong his heart has gotten.

On the echo yesterday, it was unclear if they saw another clot forming in his heart. So they will be tracking that closely as well.

Comedy Central has a South Park marathon on.  He has that on in the background. Everyone is working so hard to help Ethan improve. It is so heartwarming.



  2. I love these encouraging posts! And Ethan is shining through. You can see he wants to be back to normal and doing his own things. Sending more love, prayers, and wishes for continued improvement. <3

  3. Leave it to Ethan
    He will do it his way...🤞😊

  4. As this is a really raw blog of his/your day by day, it really shows he's going to come out smelling like roses. That boy is something else. And I chuckle when he flips the bird and the fact you have that nice onion breathe hahaha. As hard as it is keep your head up. Your both doing great!

    1. Thank you. I think his bird flipping is hilarious and appropriate. That machine is loud!

  5. I have been following your blog and as a mother, I admire your strength and courage. I read these blogs and I tear up, I cry, smile and even crack up with your experiences. I so look forward to hearing that he is getting stronger day by day. I know my son AJ thinks about him all the time. We will continue to keep praying for you and Ethan❤️🙏 So much to be thankful for.

  6. Today started out with him going 2 steps forward. That is so encouraging. You an tell he really wants that tube out so he can communicate better. He also wants that phone back too. He is working hard to make that happen. He makes me smile at his ways of communicating!!

  7. I love to hear these great steps forward. We will continue our prayers. Stay strong!

  8. So very glad to read these updates. Hang in there my friend.... I'm hoping the worst moments are behind you. Ethan is strong like you. All our love, Melissa and family

    1. Thank you so much. I also hope the worst is behind us. I am sure each day will present new challenges.

  9. Love hearing that even with all that’s going on and he’s been through his personality perseveres. Continuing the prayers for you all.

  10. I love it! It must feel so good to see signs of his true self coming through. Tell him we're watching South Park too! 🤣 Patti, you are doing so well, and are so strong through this even when you feel weak. ❤️❤️❤️ I wish for you all that each day gets easier!

  11. Patti, I am Ethan's friend Grace's mom and I just want you to know that we are thinking about you both and Grace and I are both very happy to read all your updates. Hoping for continued progress and please tell Ethan that Grace said hello and wishes him well!


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