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💓 Update 11/27 7:25 am

I forgot my towels again today. Luckily the nurse saw me do it yesterday and she asked me if I had my towel, knowing I did not.  I thanked her because I didn't want to relive yesterday again.  Got down to the shower.  FIRST ONE!!! Yes!  Came back from my shower, was putting my stuff away and making my bed when I realized, I forgot the damn soaps again. So back down to the bathroom I go.  Someone was in there. I did the walk of shame to my nurse and told her if she sees them in their lost and found, to grab them for me. Please tell me this stuff happens to other people as well.

Last night was not as restful as I had hoped.  Even with the  sedation drip to all the other sedation medication, Ethan is still busting through it like the Kool-Aid guy through a wall. When he is waking up, he is trying to pull himself up to sit up. There were a couple times the nurses were trying to run and get even more medications to help calm him down.  He has resorted to panicking when he wakes up.  This sends his oxygen down and then he feels as if he can't breathe.

At one point I was jumping up and pulling my ear plugs out at the same time.  Ethan was grabbing for my hand so I just set the ear plugs on his bed.  After he received medication and settled down, I could only find one ear plug.  I am hoping it didn't roll into his butt crack, but I also am not going to go digging around down there.  I will let the surgeon find it as a little surprise, like you find in a crackerjack box. It will give him something to talk about at dinner right? Sorry Ethan.

 They have moved his surgery up to this morning. They had not started weaning him off the ECMO but they will do it slowly in the OR. They will have the ultrasound so they can watch his heart beating. Then they will decide how to proceed.  I am preparing for the RVAD (right ventricle assist device that will help his heart pump) and an open chest at the end of the surgery.  I am hoping they can close him up and get this damn breathing tube out of his mouth so he can talk. I asked if they could give him some paralytic medication to stop these anxiety and painful moments for him. We need to discuss this further. 

We are one step closer. Cross your fingers for us.


  1. I know what Santa will bring you this year.... Soap on a rope. Saying prayers for Ethan and his surgeons today. They will do what is best for him.

  2. Thinking of you and prayers for surgery today!

  3. That's an excellent idea, Charlene.
    Humor aside, this young man continues to amaze us! Prayers for this next surgery.

  4. Ethan is determined to show what he wants and we are praying for him (and you Patti) 🙏🙏🙏 to
    bring him to next step of this healing

  5. You poor thing with your shower issues. Fingers are crossed and more prayers today on his surgery. Another step forward, yay! Will be checking back often today.

  6. Keeping positive thoughts that Ethan’s surgery will go well. This journey has been difficult for Ethan and you. Prayers never stop for the two of you.

  7. This blog is priceless. Just priceless. I've always enjoyed the humorous way you describe things. Your writing transports me into that room with you. I am laughing out loud about the Kool-Aid Man and the crackerjack surprise. Brilliant, my friend. You've got a best seller starting right here.


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