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Update: 8:15 pm 11/24

 I am feeling better. This afternoon has been mostly good. There have been a couple times Ethan has tried to swing his legs over the side of the bed or prop himself up.  Keep in mind his chest has an incision in it, through his sternum with nothing but a thin piece of transparent sterile dressing. It’s about 9 inches long and 3 inches wide. He has 3 chest tubes draining and the ECMO tubes coming and going along with the multiple  IV’s, breathing tube etc. 

If he tries to get up he is going to do some real potential damage. He wants to communicate but is frustrated that he can’t. He can’t even make a sound but is trying to scream.

The nurses needed to remove the urinary catheter so that it could avoid causing an infection.  As you could imagine, Ethan is modest and private.  Keep in mind he is mostly non responsive. Occasionally I get a glimpse of semi coherence. The nurses removed the catheter And he was immediately very upset and rightfully so.  They had to rush to get extra sedation because he was punching the bed and very mad. He was becoming combative he gave everyone the middle finger and he was bound and determined he was walking out of here.

He has been quiet since that episode. He wants his phone, but despite his multiple attempts, none of the passwords I have tried have worked and if the next passcode isn’t correct his phone will erase itself. So for now, it “isn’t charged”.

Ethan has continued to improve throughout the day. He had another echo. They are trying to determine if the new heart is still “tired” or if it is safe to start weaning him off the bypass machine. I have not gotten results of that. He is producing urine excellently which means his kidneys are doing good. I gave him a brief wipe down to keep him clean.

No more clots have developed that they are aware of ox is great. He has been “sleeping” now for about 2 hours. He needs that.

His fluids and medications are decreasing. So he only has 9 pumps running. Which is less than yesterday. His blood pressure has been stable. That is great news.

All in all, despite my meltdown earlier today, which was needed. It has been a good day. But they will not wake him up like that ever again without any pain management. Apparently that is standard.


  1. Sweet Jesus you are an amazing woman. I pray for continued healing for Ethan and strength for you Patti πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’•

  2. I hope you have a boring (quiet) night and you can get some quality sleep. HUGs

  3. I don't know you guys personally but have been following your journey this week and praying for you. Hang in there xoxo

  4. Sigh of relief. Love that he shows his true self. Get done sleep tonight.

  5. Thank God
    for much better news!!
    His feistiness makes me feel
    better than what he has gone
    through then last couple of days.
    His determination is coming back!
    But let’s not get too carried away
    Hopefully Patti you both will get a better night’s rest.
    Tomorrow is a new day with a new ☀️SUN
    Love πŸ’— snd Hugs

  6. Showing the nurses love with that middle finger. He’s very resourceful when unable to communicate.

    Glad to hear things got better. Wish we would be with you to offer support and love.

  7. So glad today was better. Sending you a million more hugs. The middle tell them Ethan!!!! OMG I am dying!!!!

  8. Hugs and prayers continuing being sent ur way.. growth each day. He’s a strong kid and ur a wonderful momma (I’m sure Paul can say different sometimes from ur pranks) all good cause u can make people smile... hope u rest cause u need to be strong for both of u guys..
    Always thinking of you guys til you both can come home..

  9. Great news. He is a tough whipper snapper. Who would have thought a passcode on phone could be such a challenge. Is there anything at all the cell company can do to help???? Keep the updates coming. Keeping my prayer warriors updated!!!!! Xoxo


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