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😊 12/21 7:15 am

 I was sound asleep and I head the nurse say (through my ear plugs and through the pillow over my head) “Ethan, you’re awake!”.  What the..... I sat straight up in my bed and said in a panic “What? He’s awake?”. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I had a million anxieties flash before my eyes.  He’s not tethered. Why did this happen so fast?  It was supposed to be slow. What did I miss? Why the change in plan so rapidly?

The nurse giggled. “Not really, but his blood pressure was low and we suctioned his tube and then it went up. We got his attention.” I then explained my side of that conversation and what I heard and it jolted me out of a sleep. She apologized profusely. I wasn’t mad, I was thankful Ethan wasn’t trying to pull his tube out. We shared a laugh over it.

I think that proves I am not sleeping as soundly as I thought. Always listening.

Since I was jolted awake and there was no chance I was going back to sleep,  might as well be first to the shower.  Got my shower, got my coffee, was excited about my coffee and took a big swig, proceeded to burn my mouth. Now I have stalactites hanging from the roof of my mouth. But I am still drinking my coffee despite that. It is damn good too.

Ethan has a fever again. He is already on two antibiotics. It’s not terrible, 100.4. Something is going on. It will be interesting to see what his white blood cell count it today. It had been coming down and he has not had a fever. I am half convinced it is because they put a gown back on him and it is making him hot. This kid runs warm. I put his fan on him to help keep him comfortable.

We are up to 15 pumps. At some point this will come down right? I can’t even imagine when we are going to be able to come home. I have visions of a long line of people waiting to kick this kids in the ass and then give him a hug. Please know that he will not be able to be around people for the first several months after surgery. It is exactly 30 days from his transplant. Wow!

I did all of Ethan’s physical therapy stretches and I put on his boots and wrist positioner. We are off to a good start. I told Ethan we were going to have a great day today.


  1. Good start to the week so far!! Keep it going Ethan. Hope the fever comes down.

  2. Great news. Keep heading in the right direction.

  3. Positive thinking sends Positive Vibes
    Keep it going guys
    We’re in on this Positivity
    Treatment Plan...
    Have a Blessed Day!!!’

  4. I’m looking forward to his upcoming videos and hearing his voice and seeing his face.

  5. We shall all keep our distance.... and make fun of him and you from afar. I mean we're already kind of doing that, right? The distance thing. Not the making fun of thing. Because that wouldn't be nice, I mean let's give his sweet new heart a chance to take charge.... A good start, Patti. 15 pumps.... FIFTEEN PUMPS. Doesn't this just amaze us at how awesome the human body is when it's all synchronized and working?????? Stay steady, tight rope walkers. Keep your eyes straight ahead.

  6. I remember counting tubes with my son...Just today I am cleaning his house...He is 35 years old now. His lungs are delicate and has asthma and the doctor said he will get the vaccine early because of his lungs.But that is okay.He has a beautiful life with two beautiful children and cant tell you for a year I pounded on his lungs and almost lost him couple of times .
    Yes I am the over protective mom and you will be too but wow was worth all that time in the hospital and eating their awful food and sleeping on a reclining chair.
    You will never forget and ground him for life after this..David was 2lbs3oz.and went down to 1lb 9 oz.and yes like Ethan He would get frustrated and pull the tubes out even at that weight...
    Keep your courage up...

  7. I remember counting tubes with my son...Just today I am cleaning his house...He is 35 years old now. His lungs are delicate and has asthma and the doctor said he will get the vaccine early because of his lungs.But that is okay.He has a beautiful life with two beautiful children and cant tell you for a year I pounded on his lungs and almost lost him couple of times .
    Yes I am the over protective mom and you will be too but wow was worth all that time in the hospital and eating their awful food and sleeping on a reclining chair.
    You will never forget and ground him for life after this..David was 2lbs3oz.and went down to 1lb 9 oz.and yes like Ethan He would get frustrated and pull the tubes out even at that weight...
    Keep your courage up...


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