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12/22 7:20 am

I apologize for the nasty photos. I know I complain about the bathrooms a lot. But there is a reason why. This morning, I found the bathrooms in the following condition. Let me set the stage for you. You open the door and a heavy urine/toilet water smell assaults your nose.  Sounds pleasant right? I did request for “housekeeping” as soon as I found it. I also took the elevator down a few floors and went to a different bathroom, in my pj’s with bed head. These are adults using this bathroom. Pee on the seat? Pee down the front of the toilet?  Dirty floors? Paper towel everywhere. Ugh! I may get a pair of gloves and some bleach later today and dose it. I am half tempted to close the door and put a sign on it that says “out of use”. Then it can be my own private clean bathroom. 

I have to use the bathroom anytime I change my clothes too. I put paper towels on the floor so I don’t stand directly on the filthy floor in my socks. I will be lucky if I make it out of here without a parasite.

Think of me when you are on the toilet today. Your nice clean toilet. Then be thankful that you are not an animal marking your territory all over your bathroom, like some of these people. 

Last night I slept well. Ethan did really well and his nurses (he has two) were even able to step away to help other rooms.  They went up by 1 mg on his new lung pressure medicine just now. The plan is to go up by 1 mg this evening as well depending on how he tolerates it.

Because they go up on that, they have to decrease some of the other medications he is on. And the juggling with shards of glass continues. Don’t make a wrong move or yikes.

Ethan is getting another Echo today. They are inching down on the medication that supports the right side of his heart. The right side has been functioning a little better the past week or so. They will be able to assess his blood clot in the left side (that has been there for a month) and the fluid around his heart and lungs to see if it made a difference.

It’s another grey day outside. I am going to make sure this room is sunny in spirit for Ethan. I already had a one sided conversation with him about our goals for today. I take his silence as a sign he is agreeing with everything I say. It works out perfect. 


  1. OMG. What is wrong with some people? Hello... you are in a hospital where it is MOST essential that things stay clean and disinfected, but you are still going to be disgusting and inconsiderate. As said in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, "I would slap you with a rubber hose, mister." Hang in there!

  2. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy... Why are these people acting like 4 year old boys with the toilet. like you could have done that like 36 years ago (sorry for assuming ages but still)

  3. Another reason you have a fifth wheel when traveling. That bathroom is gross.

    Keep up the great work Patti and Ethan.

  4. I have no words on the condition of that bathroom, well I do but...!! Shame on housekeeping especially in a hospital. You poor thingšŸ¤¢.
    I’m glad things have been quiet and Ethan is continuing to heal. Baby steps are ok, we will take whatever it takes to have you two skipping out of that place!

    1. It's more like shame on the people that think this is an acceptable way to leave a public restroom. I requested housekeeping and the hospital sprung into action. I hope that whomever did that, their kid leaves soon.

  5. UGH! That is enough to gag a maggot!!! Sorry you have to deal with that mess. Like things are peachy to being just PILE IT ON! Glad you had a great nights sleep, glad Ethan did too! Hoping for more positives this afternoon/evening!!!!

  6. continue the small steps in the right direction, Ethan!
    and you remember my bathroom stories from my office - working from home is so much nicer and cleaner. It is dumbfounding how grown adults can be absolutely nasty!

  7. Oh mylanta, that bathroom is exactly what NovaRocket said: 4 year old boys. Bad aim. Don't care. Boys are gross.

    Complain all you want. We'll listen and sympathize. And the glass shard juggle is tough, especially on a tightrope. Good luck with that! But we'll take positives, even little ones. Hang in there Buddy... Hang in there.


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