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😊12/23 6:25 am

It’s 4:30 am. I woke up to the repetitive dinging of the machines. Ding.....ding.....ding.....over and over again. I laid with my eyes closed but it just wouldn’t stop.  I had my ear plugs in and the pillow over my head. Ding....ding.....ding.....I popped out of bed. Ethan’s blood pressure was low and that is why it was going off. It wasn’t too low though. But enough to trigger the machine. 

Ethan’s nurses were in the room two doors down which was some sort of emergency. I saw the crash cart there that had been parked outside of our room last week. Some poor parent is suffering in their own quiet hell.

This monitor has an inside voice and outside voice.  It has a quiet ding, which is a “hey something is a little off” warning. Then it has a “THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE” ding.  The second one is obviously my least favorite. I think scientists have tuned it so it interferes with the human nervous system and makes you twitch a little when it goes off. It’s part of the design. What a bunch of jerks those engineers are.

When the nurses came back we discussed Ethan’s night. His lung pressures, while still high, have come down. They should be around 6-8. Ethan’s were mid 20’s yesterday. This morning they were sitting at high teens.  The nurses also said that with agitation Ethan would go from hypotension (low blood pressure) to hypertension (high blood pressure) but was able to self regulate without medication.  This is great news.

The results of Ethan’s echo from yesterday came back that his right side which was in moderate to severe heart failure has improved and is now considered in mild heart failure. Yeah!!!!! Improvement.

Two things to be thankful for already. I have already put in a request for house keeping to clean up the bathroom. Someone spit or leaked some sort of gooey fluid on the floor and the sink was nasty. I don’t even care today because at least there was some good news. Something to grasp onto and cheer for. Come on Ethan!!!!


  1. A good beginning! Stupid bathroom.... oh mylanta, I can't even... but yeah for better lung pressure and oh my gosh, self-regulating anything is HUGE, like Fuccillo HUGE!!!!!! because that's what we want for the body, to begin to remember its bag of tricks and put them to use. I know how touch and go this is, but I'm here celebrating every little improvement and step toward complete healing. And praying for all o' youse!

  2. A good start for the day! Keep it up and keep your spirits high, too. <3
    Continued prayers and love for Ethan and you.
    Happy Festivus! It is the airing of grievances day, so you are allowed to vent, if need be.

  3. I'm happy to hear that there is good news! I'm cheering also! And it's ugly sweater day at work, so you can imagine how my eyes will burn today πŸ˜‚

  4. This is several baby steps in a row going forward this morning. Hope that it continues with resting time in between. We don't want him to get tired and back slide. As far as the bathroom is concerned, I'd start looking around to see who is "new" on the floor. Good idea to just have housekeeping come and clean it first thing. Love you both. Keep it up Ethan!

  5. Just like Ethan’s cars, — the
    engines ( or whatever )
    need to be assessed. and
    Sometimes we see smoke
    But then with adjustments —
    The air clears and away he goes!!!
    I can hear and see Ethan’s Videos!!
    Get going Ethan... YOU CAN DO THIS

  6. Celebrating every step he takes up the mountain ... keep climbing Ethan at whatever pace you need ... just keep reaching! πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

  7. Victory! No matter the size🌟

  8. Praying for you both ��

  9. What a great way to start the day!! Happy dance for you and Ethan! 🌹. I pray this path continues.
    I just don’t even know what to say about that bathroom🀒. Obviously there is enough DNA in there to track down whoever, lol!

  10. Good news is welcomed. Come on Ethan we are all here hoping to get more good news,
    Patti those bathrooms are disgusting but the folks leaving them like this are too. Germs are not
    Friends in a hospital.

  11. Yeah! So very happy for these little improvements.... one day closer to getting out you two out of Groundhog day. Makes me want to watch Bill Murray movies....

  12. Great progress Ethan! Keep up the good work. Patti you continue to amaze us all. Take good care of yourself and remain strong.

  13. Patti, the sunrise this morning was amazing and I just kept thinking about Ethan and you. It started out purple and pink, and then moved to gold as the sun came up. The clouds parted and I could see blue sky.

    The days are getting longer now, more daylight every day. I feel strongly that this is for Ethan too. My intuition says you've gotten past the worst and it is getting better every day.

    🌞🌞🌞❤❤❤ (that emoticon is the sun, not whatever else you may be picturing!!!)

  14. Good news that he’s progressing. Slow is ok. We are all routing for him!!!


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