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12/26 2:00 pm


The bear is soft, like Phineas.

Ethan had some more moments of delirium but these moments do seem to be worse in the evening. Psych came and evaluated him. They decided Ethan should have another ECG to assess his heart rhythm before adjusting any of his psych medications.  The one medicine he seems to respond to can cause arrhythmias so they have to be careful when going up on the dose. The benefits should outweigh the risks.

Ethan’s team did seem to think if they can correct his delirium, he can then start being weaned off his sedation.  This will lead us to the ultimate goal of extubation. What? Yes, they said that word today.  I am a bit guarded because he was so close the last time and he fell about two weeks behind. They are thinking extubation within the next 7 days or so if his progress continues. Wow! But still trying not to get too excited.

Ethan did want to be sitting up today with the office on. So he was coherent enough to to communicate that. He has been much settled since he has be out upright.  He is really watching the backs of his eyelids and listening to the office.

Neuro came by and were very pleased with Ethan’s movement and it was right after he received a big dose of sedation. He was quite groggy and still they were pleased. They even said it was a better indication than an MRI and that as sedation is lifted, he will be able to gain more use of his left side (except the missing or hiding left kidney). They will still do the MRI at some point.

Ethan’s next biopsy will be mid January. Couple of weeks. He will be once a month for several months assuming all is well.

Ethan’s cardiologist came by and assured me that his lungs are getting better despite the murky xrays and foul gunk coming up. He then said it will take a few days to adjust his delirium medication. Ugh! Why does everything take so long?  “ I will make you a deal, My idea is you need a quicker fix. I will take 50% of the proceeds if you create my idea.” Seems fair I thought. He laughed. So I guess that means he is not willing to take my overly generous deal. I practically gave him his retirement and he just laughed at it.  I will keep my million dollar ideas rolling in. He is a super nice guy. 

Ethan’s nurse has been fussing over him for well over an hour, making sure was is comfortable and clean and breathing well. He said he watched Ethan’s YouTube channel and had no idea he was a you-tuber. Ethan’s channel has been shared across the nurses floor and I am sure that the nurses are eager to see him back on camera. I have been diligent about filming his progress week by week. I can’t wait to see what he puts together.

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the day goes.


  1. Wow! So much positive news in one post! This great to hear dear! I am so happy he is making progress and they can finally put a plan in place to remove that tube. I think it is awesome that you extend your sense of humor to these Dr’s and Nurses. I’m sure you make their day more than you know! Go Ethan!!! You’re getting there!

  2. He is back to baby steps going forward and that is good. Patience is always so hard. Sitting up might help the gunk in his lungs too. Love you both

  3. So glad to hear the good news. That is what we want to hear every day moving forward, it may be slow but we will take it . Keep up the great news!! Love you both

  4. Santa granting everyone’s Christmas wish for Ethan and family and staff!!
    Thank you Jesus 🙏🏼

  5. That is awesome that they have been watching his YouTube videos. It makes them aware of who Ethan really is. What great news today... praying for the upcoming days to go smoothly!

  6. I’m so happy to see him sitting up, that has to help move the gunk in his lungs move? Wow, so much to take in today and all positive. This kid will never sleep again once he is up and going, lol. We are thankful for the baby steps that lead Ethan to good health❤️

  7. I bet when Ethan makes the video, all of the nurses and drs. will watch it.

    Great positive news. I hope you had a nice shower. LOL

  8. Having pneumonia twice and once of them being a quarter of lung being clear, sitting up definitely wins. I couldn't even lay down. After almost 2 weeks in the hospital and getting my O2 level to at least 88 they sprung me because I whined. It's hard and top that with a transplant...ummmmm, nope!

  9. I love this, Patti.... your cheering section here in Hilton is still loud and wonderful! This is good news!


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