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12/26 6:50 pm

 Ethan had his EKG. It was decided that his delirium medication can increase safely. Ethan has been a bit less delirious and more responsive today. He is able to answer some yes/no questions but he is still pointing at the ceiling with conviction that he sees something. He also has gotten to a point that he will see these things but be able to settle himself and not start punching the bed or try to launch himself off the bed.

His nurse asked me to put on Ethan’s YouTube channel and I think I caught him a few times watching it.  His nurse weaned back a little on the sedative likely responsible for causing most of the delirium. I have seen more of Ethan’s eye balls today than I have in the past 2 weeks.

Ethan got one of his double lumen arterial lines removed. This one was in his groin area. Stuff is coming out again!

The thing that is bothering Ethan the most pain wise, is the skin tear on his back. Ouch. It looks so sore I can’t even imagine how sore it must be. Wound management will come to assess it on Monday but apparently wounds don’t happen on weekends.  So until then we are putting as much padding as possible around it.  It is a product of being bed bound for so long.

Today was full of little bright spots all day long. My most favorite was that Ethan saw the car pictures his car buddy PT guy brought. He was pointing at them and when I asked him if he liked the cars, he nodded yes and gave a thumbs up.  Oh yeah. I released his thumb from jail. His thumb is on parole but may return to jail if it misbehaves and starts pulling at cords and wires.


  1. That’s the kind of Report
    We Love made our day !

  2. It is so good to see him sitting up. You are getting your boy back. Makes my day!!

  3. This is awesome! We are starting to see Ethan again! I’m so glad he is able to see and enjoy those pics! Reading this made happy inside. Another big move forward.

  4. πŸ˜πŸ’›πŸ˜πŸ’›πŸ˜❤❤❤

  5. I am so happy to here such good newsπŸ₯°

  6. Wow great day today Patti, moving forward is a good thing and glad his eyes are open and alert to his surroundings... oh so glad..
    baby steps so not to get anymore set backs..
    Hope you both get a good night sleep.. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  7. What an amazing Christmas gift this is!!! Way to go Ethan!!!!! Sending lots of happy hugs!!!!πŸ˜€

  8. Sounds so good to hear what Ethan is doing. Sending prayers and happy thoughts to you and Ethan.

  9. That picture looks more like him now! Such a wonderful thing to see. Merry Christmas to all of you. I'm so glad the gifts of the season seem to be heading more and more positive for your family. ❤️❤️❤️

  10. A thumb on parole! Oh hooray!!!!!! God bless this wonderful young man.... and we'll keep the prayers coming. For him and you and the whole crew.


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