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12/27 5:55 pm


Ethan slept a bit this morning. I was able to go back asleep for a little bit. I hurt my neck in the shower because I am old. I think it is from moving Ethan. He’s kind of a load to roll around the bed.

He had his echo first thing this morning which is cool because I thought it was going to be on Monday. I am curious of how his right side of his heart is doing. They didn’t have results for rounds and rounds were late today. This floor has been hopping all morning.

Ethan was running a little low with his blood pressures today and his oxygen was upper 80’s low 90’s all morning. Last night he dropped to mid 70’s a few times. The percentage of red blood cells in his blood have also been dropping, so he earned another blood transfusion today. I am hoping this makes him feel better. It should help with both.

They took him off the cooling blanket to see where his temperature is at. Fever? No fever? We will see.  His lung secretions are nasty today. Like brown apple sauce. They were clear two days ago so we will see.  He also was not moving as much being paralyzed.

There has been bloodwork done and the white blood cells are NORMAL about the only thing normal about Ethan right now. Yeah for normal white blood cells.  His kidney values went up a little. It is hard to juggle all these things.  You adjust one thing and two other things go wrong.

I asked about his pro BNP results. That is the test that the normal range is 250 or less.  Ethan’s has been as high as 40,000. It indicates heart health.  It was supposed to be drawn yesterday and got lost in the shuffle. They drew it today after I asked about it. I am still waiting on results.

Some great news for Ethan, they removed his urinary catheter. That was bothering him terrible. I think that makes him a bit more comfortable.

He was able to rest this afternoon and so was I. I snuck in a little nap. Thank goodness I was so tired. 

Ethan watched the Comedy Central movie marathon today. I say “watched” but his eyes were open maybe 15 minutes total. It’s like he peeps around and then closes them. They are still red and likely sore. He is still getting them medicated. It seems that people only come in the room when the most inappropriate spots of the movies are on and make me look like a terrible parent for subjecting my kid to a cable R rated movie.

We had no events of Ethan scarring  the shit out of me. That is great news. I would consider today overall successful. Ethan was moving all limbs and slightly less delirious today. Tomorrow is the last day with the day time nurse we have had for the past few days.  I like him. He’s good.

They are waiting to see what Ethan’s kidney values are this evening. He has a lot of fluid. Fluid in his abdomen, fluid in and around his lungs, pitting edema in all extremities (which should go away a bit more once he is moving a bit more) and even his face is puffy. If his values have come down a bit they can add a third diuretic to help alleviate all his fluid retention.

We will see how tonight goes. I am hoping better than last night but am prepared for a repeater. Glad I napped. These are the harder moments but my eye is on the prize. I am glad I saw eyeballs today.  Every yes or no nod was so valued. I think of the poor parents that lost their baby this morning. Ugh! Hug your kids tonight. Talk about the bright side of the day, even if they have been a pain in the ass.


  1. These seem like all positives today. So glad. It's so true about your last sentence. We forget quickly how precious life is. Thinking of you daily. Love to all. ...

  2. Oh, sweetness, you are surrounded by a normal that is nothing like your own... and doing so amazingly well! What a champion you are. I am so inspired by you and the brat.... although the delirium needs to take a back seat to relaxation breathing exercises... or something like that. You are handling all of this like a boss. I don't know you but I am so stinkin' proud of you. Way to rock the job you've been handed and talk about raising the "Mom" bar high! You've got this. Rest when you can. Smile as you're able. God bless you.

    1. Ha! He is such a brat. But not really!❤️

    2. You 2 don't know each other? Well...we need to fix that when you get home! What a pair that will be!

  3. I just can’t handle all this awesome news. Great job Ethan. Just a question Patti, when he does have a fever do they check for UTI’s? I know he has had so much else going on but with having the catheter in, yay it’s out I didn’t know if they automatically check for that? That dang lung crap, grr.
    So glad you got a nap in today. Hoping for a good nights sleep for the both of you.

    1. Yes, they check urine, blood and mucus cultures. So far, no UTI 😊

  4. One more thing removed, that’s good news. I’m sure he feels a little bit better with that catheter out. So happy you are getting to see his eyes (us too from your pic). Praying for a good and quiet night with much rest for you both.

  5. Hope u both have a good night so u can be 1st to the shower..
    And glad the catheter came out too, ouch 👨..
    Sleep tight, we’re all praying for more steps forward...💜💜💜💜💜


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