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12/28 8:15 am

Last night was a good night. I didn’t sleep much, not because of Ethan, more from all the beeping machines. Ethan woke up a few times and his delirium is still there but MUCH less. He can be redirected, he can answer yes/no questions sometimes. He sometimes just falls asleep when you are asking something.

He is moving around his bed turning from side to side slightly. He keeps freaking out when he notices the oxygen sensor on his toe glowing red like ET’s finger. I am better to recognize his issue and once I tell him what it is, he settles. We are both learning this odd form of communication.

Today when I untied his good hand, he reached up and gently pulled my mask off. He then was touching my face.  He then fell asleep. The mask thing has got to be weird. 

The most common thing he mouths, “I want to go home.”

He keeps coughing up some yucky stuff but the general consensus is that it is old funk and he wasn’t able to get that up when he was paralyzed.

I put one of Ethan’s business cards in his nurses window so that when ever he has a new nurse, they can look at his Instagram or YouTube if they want. Last night Ethan’s nurse said he had no idea about Ethan’s YouTube and he felt like he was working on a celebrity. Ha!

Monday’s are always busy and already the line of people in this room has been impressive. We have Ethan sitting up. He is moving all arms and legs. Yeah! We still have a long road to recovery but hopefully we can avoid the potholes.


  1. Thankful for a good night! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

  2. WOW Keep taking those baby steps forward and avoiding those pot holes!! There should be dozens of roses coming his way. Can you imagine how you would feel through the blur of drugs and eyes that are all red to look down and see some red light on your TOE?? Mom.... he just wanted to check and see if it was really you behind that mask. Sounds like he is coming back to this world slowly but surely. He is on God's time not our time. Love you Both

  3. Patti, Your blog makes me so happy. I am so glad he can communicate with you. Pretty soon you two will be able to walk out of there. Keep up the great work. Love you!!

  4. Wonderful news. You have one strong kid. Takes after his Mom! I can’t believe all Ethan has been through. Things are looking up. Praying for continued progress.

  5. Great update! Cheering from the sidelines for more gentle progress.

  6. Good morning Ethan! And Patti! Glad to hear you are moving and making progress today. 2021 is almost here, let’s put that shit show of a year behind us and make this new year a great one. Happy Monday!

  7. Hospitals are 24/7 but weekends are still treated like an outpatient doctors office! Back to work on Monday 🀦🏻‍♀️

  8. I love reading morning is the first thing I do every morning. So glad you guys had a better night last night...hope you can sneak in another nap today.

  9. Thank You God πŸ™
    This is such Great News!
    Prayerfully, Ethan is on
    his way back home with
    all his Hopes and Dreams!
    He has said from the
    beginning , I’ve got this !
    With his determination
    He means it !!
    God Bless πŸ™ his Journey

  10. Been reading updates everyday with continued prayer. Slow and steady wins the race!!!!!

  11. I love to read these awesome updates. So glad he is sitting up and comprehending a little more what you are explaining to him (Rudolph’s nose on his toe😳) lol! Even if he gets bored with you and drifts off, lol. Let’s see what baby steps this week holds!

  12. Well this is a Happy Monday with great news! Great job hon and Ethan! It will be great when we can actually talk to him again. Hopefully you can get a nap.

  13. My eyes started tearing up hearing that he pulled off your mask. He just wanted to see his pretty moms faceπŸ₯°

  14. Totally awesome Ethan... remember, get sleep Patti too.. no crazy Momma Bear ya know...
    Great night and a good day..


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