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12/29 9:20 am

I was able to go back to bed and catch another hour and a half of sleep. I have just had a morning of tears slowly plunking down my face. I look at my kid and he is just so swollen. His left arm is 2-3 times the size as his right arm. He has about 22 # of excess fluid in him. It’s all over. 

Right arm

Left arm

His kidney levels are rising and of course I know enough but not enough. My mind is racing to bad things and worry. I had the critical care doctor come and just talk me down a little.

“I am really worried, this is bad news in animals. How concerned should I be?” I asked her. She reassured me that yesterday there was a lot of suctioning done. There is a chance he is just irritated or a blood vessel was nicked during suctioning. She also told me they adjusted one of the vent settings that will help with if there is a slow bleed.  I asked about his heparin. If he has a bleed, blood thinners could make it worse.

I was assured that his heparin level is therapeutic and the amount of bleeding, while it looks overwhelming, is not affecting the percentage of red blood cells in his blood which is good. No need at this point for another transfusion. This is why they make the big bucks.

I saw the X-ray this morning and thought it looked about the same as yesterday. She thought it looked slightly better. I will go with her answer.

I am so glad she took pity on me and spent a little time with me explaining things. I can now pull my head out of my ass, drink my coffee and regroup. 

The laundry room (the one laundry room for 10 floors for parents to use) has been closed now for 2 weeks.  I did my laundry last week at the apartment and hated being away for so long. I may venture down and try to see if I can help everyone along in trying to get that open. I might just start washing my underwear and socks in the sink and hang them all over Ethan’s room to dry. That would not be embarrassing for him at all. That could be where I focus my energy.  Solving problems and helping others.

My heart is so warm with the wonderful students at Hilton High School.  I have included the link below. We are just so overwhelmed by the love and support that everyone has shown our family. These kids have gone above and beyond for a classmate in need. Thank you guys. You are my bright side.  We were only supposed to be in the hospital for 2-3 weeks. Here we are on week 5 with no end in sight. With every lab test done, seeing the dollar signs can be overwhelming. Everyone has helped ease our financial burden. Something we will be forever grateful for. Thank you!


  1. Just like you, I am amazed at the amount of prayers, thoughts, "gifts" of all kinds that our region has offered to you and family. The kids at the school are just another reason for counting your blessings. It is not just those kids but administration, faculty and staff that have been so supportive from afar for both Ethan and Avery and your family. There are so many blessings being sent your way to help make this journey just a little more bearable. Ethan is doing the BEST that he can do. You can tell in so many ways he is trying. You also are doing the BEST that you can do. Paul and Avery have the difficult job of "holding down the fort". No one said that this journey would be an easy one. Some pot holes are deeper than others and you don't realize it until you hit it. We all continue to pray, think about all of you and encourage you with our love and support. Keep looking for those baby steps forward. Love you All.

  2. Ethan has a lot of people pulling for him. U need to be sane and focus on yourself too..
    you are an amazing momma. As a parent it’s tough cause we can’t fix everything..Ethan has a new heart and is trying to get through this.. unfortunately it’s taking a little longer to get to where he and you can come home or back to the apartment for rehab....
    You can only fix what’s in your control... He’s still taking baby steps cause he’s healing as best he can...
    You and Paul are awesome parents....
    Let’s keep moving forward to get him home....

  3. Patti, Hang in there, you are doing an awesome job. Just like Ethan's car, some things need fine tuning. Greatness takes time . Take care of yourself because Ethan and the rest of us need you.

  4. Patti I sent you a text and Sincerely hope you had time to read and consider utilizing this resource of Hope .
    Sometimes we just need to step
    back and let someone who
    has been there and is willing to
    Lend a Helping Hand and Calm
    Your thoughts and needs at this time ...
    You are an important piece to this puzzle.
    We’re all Holding your hand
    and Praying for you as well.
    Love ❤️ You And so Very Proud
    of You

    Read about the amazing amount of support From the Hilton students and Teachers
    God Bless them all..
    Hand in Hand we can and
    Will get through this
    Love ❤️ Keeps us together

  5. I love what the kids did.... Go them! And go you.... and Ethan. It's hard not to worry because it is worrisome. We'd be foolish to think otherwise and its doubly hard because there's nothing to compare it to. It's unique to Ethan.... and hard on you because I know how scary it is. But thank you for sharing your real self with us. You're amazing and you are keeping awareness alive and well here. Bless you, Patti. Hang in there. You are loved.


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