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12/31 7:45pm

Ethan has broken Janice. Not really. Janice just started making Janice noises and then threw an error code about pressure and she just went on strike. What a bitch she is. 

“Ugh! Ethan broke Janice.....Does insurance cover that?” I asked sorta kidding but not really.

Ethan’s doctor chuckled and said “Awe don’t blame Ethan for this!” Phew...I am off the hook for this machine.

Turns out the doctor thinks the issue may be positional with Ethan’s IV. The nurse and I had just given him a boost and he was coughing which could have jostled some things. This means Ethan will ring in the New Year with paralytics on board. If you are going to party, party with paralytics am I right? Who’s in?

The paralytics will keep him from coughing and moving so Janice can do her job. I think Janice is faking because it’s a holiday. I told Janice if she didn’t knock the crap off, I was going to arrange for her to go to the junk yard to be scrapped.

All of this was happening during a shift change. Ethan’s night nurse, whom he has had a few times before, just walked in and stood in the room trying to gather what was going on and likely how it was going to affect her shift. 

After the troubleshooting ended and Janice got placed in the corner, I looked at Ethan’s nurse and said “Welcome to the shit show, it’s not too late to call in sick.”

So for now, we regroup and start again as soon as possible. Tiny pothole.

Be safe tonight. Happy New Year!


  1. Regroup! New Year! Let's get the show on the road! We love you both

  2. Ugh.... I am so sorry. Hang in there. xoxo

  3. Happy New Years Patti and Ethan.. May you get better and stronger so you both may come home soon...

  4. Praying for positive changes for 2021. Slow and steady, sweet boy. We are all rooting for you! ❤️ Happy New Year to the Diiulio's from the DiLullo's!

  5. Praying 2021 brings,
    health. peace and the best of everything for Ethan and all
    Of you .....😘😘

  6. Janice is a whiner. Whiners are annoying. Therefore we need a non-whining machine and a new name. Or... maybe she's revolting against her name and negative reputation and wants to be called Melanie? Or Melody? A dialysis machine humming a sweet melody, that's it.

    Get Psych down there for a machine consult. Threaten her (the machine, not Psych, that would be rude) with cord removal or full-on cord-cutting. That'll straighten her out.

    Or empathize with her (Janice, not Psych), explain the name change and that she's crucial to Ethan's well-being.

    Whatever ploy works, Patti. #rageagainstthemachine

    BUT.... sending New Year blessings to all of you!

  7. Happy New Year Patti and Ethan! My hope is that Janice will quit whining and do her job! Ethan will feel better with all that extra fluid out and be more comfortable. Onward!!


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