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12/6 6:50 pm

Well, I accused Ethan’s nurse of being a witch and practicing witchery on my kid. “What kind of medication are you giving him?” I asked as I showed her a picture of one of Ethan’s pumps.  I was kidding of course. Luckily she also got a nice, deep belly laugh  out of it. I saw the number flash on the pump and thought what in the.....tomfoolery is going on here?

Ethan was NOT a fan of the decision made to stop his Versed cold turkey. He started having labored breathing and became unstable with his blood pressure. They turned it back on but half the dose it was and he seems much more stable and comfortable. 

The new plan is to wean down by small amounts on everything and see how he does. They are tweaking his medications so that he doesn’t come out of this a drug addict. That seems like a realistic goal.

One of the parents on the floor has very very poor bathroom etiquette. I saw she was here today and have avoided the floor bathrooms all together. I go to the tucked away bathroom a couple floors down. This woman brings a whole new level of awareness of how much I hate sharing bathrooms with people that aren’t my family. Luckily she usually doesn’t spend the night and only visits a couple days a week. But man, what a pig.

Ethan’s blood pressure elevates when they suction his tube.  I think he panics. I am happy that his nurse is working again tomorrow. I like her. 

Ethan has gradually started to stir. He twitches a toe, he has raised both arms but not communicating at all yet. We are down to 13 pumps. Totally going in the right direction. Fingers crossed we can continue with this momentum.


  1. Keep moving forward Ethan, you are doing a great job. Patti OMG I hate using public bathrooms, so sorry you walked into a mess, who does that???

  2. You should start leaving anonymous passive aggressive notes to the Pig parent, like it's dorm life all over again.

  3. That's the way Ethan! Baby steps are just fine. I wish you both a quiet night. Keep going in the right direction. So happy to hear such positive news!
    Love you both!

  4. Definitely would be leaving a note for Miss Piggy “your mother doesn’t live here” or “ you are not the only person using this restroom”. Just gross.
    Good plan on weaning Ethan down on the Versed. I can’t wait until he is off of that.
    I hope both of you have a peaceful night and more good news tomorrow.

  5. Oh, sweetness, you have some moments, hours and days there, don't you? It's a tough row to hoe when you can't even have a clean spot to take care of business.... Mostly folks on crazy chronic floors are wonderful but not all... It seems this fine boy is letting his feelings be known in any way he can... Praying for stability and healing completely. Slow and steady is fine as long as we're going in the right direction. God bless you both!

  6. Love that Ethan turned a corner and continues to improve. Yay momma Patti :)

  7. Good to hear a positive day for Ethan again! :) I hope messy bathroom lady won't be there tomorrow.

  8. Happy to hear things are progressing. Praying for continued progress. Hope you and Ethan have a good night.

  9. Nothing worse than sharing a bathroom with Peppa Pig!!! πŸ–πŸš½Glad to hear Ethan is slowly progressing. Praying that you both have a quiet, uneventful evening. ❤️

  10. We continue to be here with you Patti, Ethan and family. So nice that you had the opportunity to talk with the Mom & Son that is about 3 weeks ahead of you in the healing process. I bet it was a relief to know that what you guys are experiencing is the same as others. Praying that Ethan continues to heal a little more every day.

  11. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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