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💪🏻 12/8 12:35 pm

 I went back to the apartment this morning to have a private and clean shower. No one banging on the door to see if I am almost done (you can hear the shower running people, where is your common sense?).

When I got to the building I went to put my key fab up on the device that unlocks the door to the building. I forgot there was a step. I fell into the door as it pushed open and almost hit a lady trying to come through the door. She probably thought I was drunk. The only injury I sustained was to my pride as I profusely apologized and tried to convince her I wasn’t drunk. Which probably made her think I was even more drunk

I made my way back to the hospital. I found out that while I was gone, Ethan had somehow pulled out his arterial line in his arm.  They were able to replace it but he had a bit of bleeding and it was all over his bed and hand.

Everyone arrived for rounds.  After about 5 minutes, Ethan also decided that he would prefer more sedation. He kept trying to sit up.  He was gaining leverage with his foot to lift his Butt up. What a stinker.  So while his poor nurse feverishly got the orders together for more sedation, myself and three other people were holding him down along with his restraints. This interrupted rounds. What a pain in the ass. Then Ethan was confused why there were so many people and started to panic.  I told him if he just would stop moving everyone would go away and leave him alone.

I told them that someone had told Ethan, the sooner he got out of bed the quicker he would go home.  He had focused on this prior to surgery. I know he keeps looping this thought in his mind. He’s either sedated or trying to get up and walk. 

One of the surgeons came in to help and asked his nurse if she could get more sedation for him. The nurse said “he just got a bolus of morphine, dilaudid and Ativan.” The surgeon just stared blankly at the nurse for a minute and then looked at Ethan. “Wow! He’s still this feisty?” Yes. Yes he is.

I totally missed the plan because of Ethan’s outburst as did his nurse.  She asked me if I had heard any of it and I said no.  She said “neither did I.”  Just then the lady that does echo’s arrived. seems echo is part of the plan.

With all Ethan’s moving and shaking he has kinked a line on his ECMO circuit. Now they are trying to get a consult from the vascular team to see if he needs anything “repaired”.

He also needs his lung pressure wire residual Ed because he has whole blood just sitting in a sheath. All because he can’t sit still.

As the day unfolds, I will get more information. I like his nurse today. Nurse LM-BP (don’t forget the hyphen) was stationed right next to us. I can here her nasally booming voice next door. 

Cross your fingers that Ethan continues to make  more progress today! Hopefully he will chill out.  He is ready to get up and go.


  1. Chill Kid, Chill!! Show him some box breathing. Maybe that will help.

  2. he is something else You can't hold a good man down. He likes to keep things interesting and keep everyone on their toes.

  3. Ok Ethan you have a plan and it will
    Work— when you behave yourself
    and give others a chance to help
    You said you’ve got this and
    You want to “kick ass” but
    Let your team Help you
    To do that... snd then you can take over!!!!!!
    Papa and Nana have spoken !!👫
    Love you 😍 to the 🌝 moon

  4. I can only imagine what’s running thru his mind.. He’s like, let me show u I can sit up,, then we can go home Mom.”
    Ouch pulled a Pic line out, soon straps will be put on him so he doesn’t hurt himself..
    I remember Alemae for no reason, kicked her surgeon because she was pissed.. furry of a teen..
    Prayers to Ethan’s healing... still moving forward..
    💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 and glad u got a nice CLEAN & uninterrupted shower...
    More to come.....


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