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1/19 7:55 pm

This is how close Ethan and I were the entire day. He slept well. If I got up, he would wake up. He had his arm around me. It wasn’t overly comfortable but we made it work.

Today Ethan had a PT/OT session with me he fell asleep afterward. He really has enjoyed knowing I can now sit in the bed with him. It is quite uncomfortable with my back, but will continue to lay with him as long as he wants.

Then Ethan’s PT buddy showed up and did a 20 minute long session with him.  We are going to set up maybe a few visits a day. It was officially said today at rounds that he is going to work on moving toward extubation in the next 10-14 days. They want his strength even better. They are going to do baby steps with the weaning process.

He will get more vent settings weaned.  He will get his sedation decreased a smidge.  He is going to get a higher dose of delirium medication. His feeds were started again at a much slower rate. They are coming up with options to get him more protein. 

Ethan very much is adamant that I stay in his bed with him so he can hug me. I am so happy I am offering him some comfort. Also, one of the doctors mentioned an interesting point, “right now he is very distrustful of medical staff. He knows he can trust mom, but he does not trust anyone else at this point.” It makes sense with all he has been through.

Ophthalmology came by and checked Ethan’s eyes. They want to continue the antibiotic but only use the ointment on the left eye. That’s progress.

Janice broke down, again. Insert eye roll here. We were heckling her. “Janice, you suck!” Luckily they were able to return all his blood before she totally quit! That’s a win.

Ethan has had a good day today. He high fives his nurse at the end of her shift. He gave another nurse a hug. Ethan’s RT buddy that was just encouraging him the other day is back. He is happy every time I see him. He is full of life. He has kids of his own. He is just a good guy.

I am happy to report with all the treatments Ethan has to have, he is always cooperative, if he is awake. 

My bright side today is progress. I am so proud of how tough this kid is. 


  1. Way to go I am so happy for you and love that he can hug you.

  2. Sweet hugs from his mama are Ethan’s best medicine 🤗

  3. He is the strongest person I know, with you a very close second!

  4. i love the progress that we’re making here! ethan definitely loves his hugs and cuddles, give him tons of them for me please!!


  5. What a Wonderful , Blessed Day
    this has been for all of us !!
    Ethan and Patti are both strong
    and determined to get over the bumps
    and rough spots in a Journey of
    a Lifetime ...together!!
    Hugs make things feel better and so reassuring ..
    You both are proving that Power
    of a Hug!!!!
    Sending loads of HUGS yo both of
    You- a Winning Team!

  6. I’ve had just about enough of Janice, lol!!
    Just love these pictures of the two of you❤️. I would suggest to the Dr. for the well being of the patient (and mom’s back) maybe they bring in a double bed. See how far that flies.
    I hope you are still getting your nourishment, etc. It will be good for Ethan to have that protein added to his diet.
    Have a great nights sleep.

  7. Oh, such a good report.... Happy dancing! And tedious seems to work best with this fellow who conversely loves engine performance, but we'll let his mind and body heal together. God bless him and you and Paul and Avery. Praying for another good, solid, tiny-step forward today, Patti!

  8. Moving forward with more positive steps.. totally awesome.
    Parents are the best medicine.
    Love the positive steps Ethan is heading... Ur an Angel Patti..

  9. 💚💚 hope and healing.

  10. ❤💛❤💛❤💛❤💛❤

  11. I have a strong feeling your close physical presence is going to speed up Ethan's healing. Mom power is super magical. These latest posts reveal so much progress. Woo hoo! This is thrilling.

  12. Good Going Ethsn
    You “are” doing it like you promised-
    With your new Engine and those
    Wonderful Hugs of Love and
    Reassurance , you’re on
    the way to the Winner’s Circle with sll
    The 🌹🌹 you can imagine and
    Love ❤️ You much

  13. Yay another day moving the sticks!

  14. We continue to pray daily for Ethan and you as well, Patti. Also praying for Paul and Avery since you're not home to keep them out of trouble. Ha! Dear Lord, we are thankful that You are the Provider of Life, that You hold Ethan in Your hands...You made Ethan a special young man, and You will see him through this. Let your strength flow freely into this hospital room and surround Patti, Ethan and the staff with your Love. You will see them through this. In Jesus' Name, So Be It!


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