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1/23 8:05 am

He can’t put in his passcode yet, but holding his phone offers him comfort.

We had an exciting last night. In addition to watching Ethan’s blood pressure for signs of tamponade from removing his pacing wire like a savage beast, Ethan decided to be on the move.

He was holding his spritzer fan and he dropped it. I was sleeping. His nurse was sitting outside the room. She heard the breathing vent going crazy, beeping and dinging and alarming like crazy.  She rushed into the room. Ethan had turned himself so much that he was face down and disconnected from the breathing machine. His breathing tube was in tact. Wean sedation a little and this kid starts rolling around the bed like the Incredible Hulk he is.  Except he didn’t have the strength to correct himself. He was a turtle on its back. His nurse helped him over and reconnected him.  I remained sleeping with my ear plugs in and my headphones playing a soothing babbling brook sound. 

I could poke fun at my parenting skills on that one. But I am not going to because he had someone watching him and I am a much better parent when I am rested. The babbling Brooke was so peaceful. I didn’t hear a thing. 

Our super nurse brought me a coffee this morning. I am sad that she is off until next Thursday after today. We will get someone that will be good and we like, but I just click with her. I thought the coffee was so nice! It made my day.

I asked Ethan if he was sore from sitting two days in a row. He nodded yes. I asked him if he thought we should take a break from sitting today and he said no. I asked him if he is going to just push through the soreness and he nodded yes. No pain, no gain. Let’s kick some ass!


  1. It’s Saturday!! Kick ass Ethan!!!!

  2. The sun is shining bright here in the Islands. Today will be a good day for many!! Kick Ass Ethan!!!

  3. Ethan “you can do this “and you’ve
    Got this” and Yes, Kick Ass”
    But PLEASE, PLESASE not so dangerously !! 😮😮😮
    You have come so far with a lot of
    determination and courage..👏👏👏
    Stay on task with your Great
    Team and Fantastic Mom !!
    They’ve Got Your Back and
    What a great job they have done!
    So have YOu👍👍👍
    You are on your right path , coming around the bend , with a few curves
    and spins, but heading to the
    Winner’s Circle ,...Stay on task and listen to your Team .-Which includes your Mom..
    They want to be the “Winning Team”
    to get you where you want to be —
    “HOME “. Love ❤️ To All

  4. Patti, I just love seeing this progress! No place to go but forward!

  5. This is so thrilling....he is on FIRE. Hopefully, not literally on fire, but you know what I mean. xoxo

  6. He has always liked to "drift". I'd say last night he was drifting and couldn't quite get back on the straight away. I got a card yesterday from one of our "traveling couples" in a different state. We haven't been able to travel with them for more than a year. I thought I would share the front of the card with everyone on the blog. It is so true.

    "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

    Patti! You, Paul, Ethan and Avery have no choice. Continue to be strong together and the rest of us will each support you in our own unique ways. We love you ALL

  7. Loved the sign last night and the wiggle worm is on the move.. was thinking of Ethan as a turtle too.
    Glad he keeps moving forward to the goal of heading home.. we’re all rooting and praying for this bright day..
    Ethan, just keep saying” I can do this Man”..

  8. It's almost like watching a toddler with all the trouble he can get in! Go Ethan. Let's kick some ass!

  9. This is so wonderful to hear! Continued prayers from Auburn, NY! 🙏🙏🙏

  10. You two are the dynamic duo!! Keep it up!! Things are looking “bright!”🌞❤️


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