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1/26 8:05 pm

Today was a really good day. Each day Ethan gets a little stronger.  Today another vent setting came down. Ethan also had another spontaneous breathing trial. He did it for 7 hours. Which means for 7 hours he was doing the work, not the vent.

Ophthalmology came and made sure his eyes were ok. They are. They do want to use steroids in his eyes but won’t until we get close to discharge. This is because his immune system is already compromised and puts him at risk for an eye infection.

Ethan’s eyes also started doing a new thing where he is looking straight ahead, but one eye (not always the same eye) wanders off to the side. The ophthalmology team thinks that this is likely a side effect of sedation.

Ethan did the most wonderful thing today. When he sat up on the edge of the bed, we had a drum roll and he  actually stood up. He stood for a couple of minutes. He then sat back down on the bed for a few minutes. His PT car buddy asked him if he was going to stand again and he shook his head yes. He stood for a couple minutes the second time as well.

His balance is off and he leans to the left. He can correct it with visual cues.  He stood, in all of his glory, as he was cheered on by all the people in the room.  He then gave fist bumps and thumbs up to everyone.

He did all this while not relying on the vent. Wow!

All these ways he is kicking ass, makes all those tough days worth it. Today he was smiling. Real smiles as he was talking to the nurses. He does have a steady fan club. 

He will finish some of his weans by Thursday. We can then start tackling other weans. However, they are thinking that his breathing tube will likely come out next week. I am feeling nervous about this. I want him to succeed.  I want to make sure his lung health is as optimal as possible. I am worried that, because he can’t shake this bacteria in his lungs, that every 3-5 days after finishing antibiotics will be a repeat of the past couple times and this infection tears its ugly head. I have communicated this with several doctors, but I’m not feeling like they believe me.  

One of the infectious disease doctors talked to me about resistance and how if he becomes resistant with long term use that it would put him at risk for antibiotic resistance blah blah blah....I am just frustrated a bit and it will be discussed again at rounds tomorrow....because I just can’t let it go. He has had two bouts with pneumonia so far. Let’s not make it three. Let’s try something different. Let’s treat longer. I am just venting. I feel like a broken record.

Ethan had a long day and finally took his first nap around 7pm. This is a big deal. He is frustrated with how things are going and is learning details about his past couple of months a little bit day by day.

My day was full of bright spots. My most favorite one is seeing Ethan smile.


  1. Ethan looks fantastic and he is doing so good. You are definitely kicking ass. Keep up the good work you make me very happy.

  2. Great Update. Ethan looks much better each day. Like you say the smile and thumbs up really makes me smile,

  3. Ethan standing (!) And smiling is amazing. That's fantastic. I understand your concern about his lungs and I am so glad you are advocating for him. No one knows him as well as you. Hope those lungs get in shape to kick some ass ASAP! ❤💛❤💛❤💛❤💛❤💛❤

  4. The determination in his eyes and on his face in your picture says it ALL. Don't get in his way, is what I see there. Ethan you are taking large steps now. You have an army of people behind you. Keep going! You are doing it!! Love ALL of you!!

  5. wait he's standing? HE'S STANDING!!! YESSSSS

  6. I feel like I am watching the BEST Rocky sequel EVER!!!!

  7. Holy shit!!!! This is a glorious day full of roses for Ethan!!!! I can’t believe he was standing!!!! He is determined to get the hell outta there!


    You are kicking some serious ass!

  9. OMG! OMGOSH❤️This is fabulous - Ethan looks great- a miracle! Keep up this great work Team Ethan!! OMGOODNESS- so thrilled right now!!

  10. Wow, a stand! That's big. Really Big. Go Ethan! Kicking Ass!

  11. There are so many bright spots in that photo!! Ethan’s beautiful eyes, how coherent he is, he is standing and then add in your post all of his accomplishments for today. I just can’t believe it.
    Paul, Patti and Avery your hearts must be so full right now❤️. I’m so happy for all of you!!

  12. “Ready or Not, Here I Come”
    is written All over Ethan’s Handsome Face!!
    After all this is “Ethan’s
    Journey” and each day, he’s now taking a lot of right turns .
    Keep coming Ethan..
    We’re all cheering for you..

  13. It’s so great to see him stand! Wow. I love how he has such focus on success each day. This just makes me so happy to each day. You can do anything with the right mindset. You rock ! Keep up the great work!

  14. Oh, look at this! Happy dancing again!!!!!! GO ETHAN, YOU BRAT!!!!!!! I love the determination, Patti, the look in his beautiful eyes and how he's feeling that step by step success rather than fear. But I understand your concern, too... and keep talking. Ask for the numbers, what the chances for success are, what would be the protocol if pneumonia hits again? Compromised lungs are more likely to get pneumonia again but with Ethan's gain in strength, maybe it works? It's a tough one and probably comes back to strength and resilience. And your worry is understandable. Praying that his body begins to recognize the bacteria as an enemy and double teams with the antibiotic to kill it once and for all... his body has been fighting on so many fronts, and a body only has so much armor. Maybe now that he's regaining strength the body can target these side issues. All that said, I am so happy to see him stand! To know he's sitting. That he's hugging folks and giving them thumbs up and to see his eyes open. Oh, Hallelujah chorus being sung!!!!!

  15. WOO HOO! This is the best news. To see him standing is just thrilling. When I saw this picture, I also thought, wow.... there's Paul in Ethan's eyes. That is so wild. Can't wait for the next round of great news. Go Ethan, Go! You are a SUPER HERO for sure. xoxo

  16. Wow! He is looking like himself! This is so great!

  17. Ohhhhh, I read most of this update through tears!! I'm so happy for him, and you! <3 <3 <3

  18. Wow...this is amazing to see him standing...and that breathing challenge, Woo Woo!!! He is looking more and more like Ethan ever's so good to see. Keep advocating, Patti...let your voice and concerns be heard. You have done an amazing job!!! Remember, you've caught a few things already so no time to stop now. He is doing so well...nobody wants any setbacks. Give Ethan a big hug from the Neu's!!! <3


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