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I woke up crippled. The vinyl couch is trying to kill me slowly. I thought we were friends but now we are frenemies. I luckily scored a yoga mat a week ago and have been doing my 10 minute yoga YouTube daily. This morning was extra sore because this couch is as comfortable as a cinderblock.

Ethan slept well. Having an entire new set of people having to learn his normals is a lot of work. He had a nasal cannula put on him in the middle of the night because he routinely dips his oxygen when he is in a deep sleep. It is not at all wrong or inappropriate to put that on, but Ethan woke up panicked because he was “regressing” and had no one to ask. So he laid there upset until I woke up. With tears in his big beautifully lashed eyes, we talked about how it’s just a little different here.

The shower here, there are two, so the odds of getting in to a shower is already double. Win! The curtain is hung from the ceiling so it only comes down to my belly button area and then there is nothing. This confuses me. My brother said it was a perfect shower curtain for perverts. I agree. At least the shower is clean.

Ethan is eating more now that he is off the day time feeds. We are on a calorie count and have to write down everything that goes in his mouth. 

I also had psych come to evaluate Ethan’s  anxiety level. He has complained of laying in bed with his mind racing and worrying as well as just not being able to shut his mind off. These are classic, anxiety ridden symptoms. If there is a way to have help with that, he wouldn’t mind having a little help and suppressing that anxiety. There is nothing worse than trying to go to sleep but you can’t because of stupid worry. After a series of questions, they determined it would be ok to try a low dose of medication to help him ease his worry.

Ethan plowed through the day with more medication weans and didn’t take a nap until 3:30. He got his laptop out and worked on some editing for the first time in so long. He was sharing his plans to some day save up money for his next car that he wants to convert into a drift car. I then looked at a few pictures of Nissan 240 and got an inside glimpse of what he wants to do with it and how he wants to modify it. All great things as I think back, I couldn’t have this conversation, or any conversation 3 weeks ago.

Ethan is now taking many pills orally. Woo hoo! Working towards HD dialysis.

Ethan got into his wheel chair because Janice shit the bed....again, earlier than she was supposed to. Ethan’s poor nurse had to prime the machine. Even when they wheel Janice into the hall, unplugged, it makes this high pitched noise that can only be replicated by Jim Carrey, in the movie Dumber and Dumber as “The most annoying sound it the world.” Unbelievable!

I also got the news my identity had been stolen and used to file an unemployment with. The employer was correct, the info was correct, the address the check was being sent to was not correct. This was through one of my Per Diem jobs and luckily the HR person was diligent and caught it. It caused a lot of extra work but I think I got it straightened around. I am annoyed at the extra work but also thankful that I had a diligent person on my side.  (Bright spot).

Ethan had a visit from one of his nurses that didn’t know that he had moved. She came up to see him before her shift started. She saw a button that made her think of him. It was called the “badass button”. It was hilarious and says motivational sayings like “you are a badass” and “Feed fear a suck it sandwich”. I love this tribe of people. Fun sense of humor. It brought a big smile to Ethan’s face.

I also got a visit from one of my fav’s from 9 Tower. Just someone that is so nice to talk to and has a calming presence. Someone that even if you talk about nothing, it is somehow meaningful. It made my day.

Ethan had his bath early and was fast asleep by 8:00 pm. His feet were swollen from having only one kidney....the lone kidney has gone on strike and a Janice machine that also went on strike. His feet and heels hurt from walking yesterday. His knees are sore and his body aches from just moving. His skin is fragile and wants to rip open every little move he makes and we have to be so careful to protect it. But he pushed through today. He did it well. 

Today’s bright spot was Ethan laughing when we listened to the badass button. His smile was big and genuine.


  1. Yay!!! All such amazing accomplishments. We are cheering you on from Churchville Veterinary Hospital. Gooo Ethan. I so enjoyed chatting with your beautiful Avery as I cut her hair. You and Paul have done an awesome job with these two. Thanks for sharing this beautiful news. Love you friend. πŸ’œ

  2. Getting more strides every day. Good deal😊
    We had the issue with unemployment fraud😑!
    But you two keep on keeping onπŸ˜ŠπŸ’

  3. Go Ethan! The progress he has made just since we were there over the weekend is huge!! I’m sorry you’re back hurts. I can’t believe you made it this long with the Pizza Hut booth. It’s great to see him editing again!

  4. Ah, all the ups and downs. I'm sure the identity theft was frustrating and I'm sorry about your bed! But I'm glad you have yoga and diligent people, and kind staff members. And a helpful psych team.

    It's exciting to see Ethan editing and planning new car adventures! We're always glad to hear of him making progress, it's fantastic. You both deserve the badass button!


  5. WOW!!! Ethan looks better and better each and every picture. Today seeing him at the computer is wonderful. He looks so alert and handsome. I'm sorry your back is not liking its new bed. The stretching will help. That button sounds really funny. I am REALLY glad that HR discovered your near identity theft. I am also glad that nice warm hat could comfort Ethan when he was cold. It was a comfort sent from old and new friends alike. Love you both

  6. Your roller coaster ride continues but with fewer steep, heart-wrenching drops (GOOD!!!) and more scenic rolls that kind of make the ride last longer but don't show the big progress being made.... but oh my gosh, you two are rocking this. I am amazed and in awe and sorry about stupid hackers, but oh my stars, you are such an amazing example of what every family should long to be in so many ways. Loved hearing car ideas and the bathroom... well that goes without saying. Yay for every victory!

  7. Like you needed more on your plate to deal with, ugh!! And your poor back...I hope the yoga helps.??!! Clearly a man must order the hospital furniture and shower curtains...haha, just kidding! 😜 Gosh, I wish they could get you something decent to sleep on...can’t imagine how you’ve been managing all this time.

    Love the button! Ethan is definitely Bad Ass...perfectly fitting for him!!

  8. You both are BADASS! I'm looking forward to that new video, Ethan.
    Sending hugs to you both! ❤

  9. I'm SO sorry your body is hurting and am SO mad that somebody tried to steal your identity. NOT cool at all. As you used to declare in middle school, "I don't get mad, I get even." And do you remember that I would reply, "Oh yeah... well I get MAD and even." The Bad Ass button is an amazing gift. I'd like to think that sweet act of kindness cancels out the bad karma from the identity thief. Ethan- you look SO good.

  10. I had a vivid and sweet dream last night. You and Ethan arrived by ambulance to a restaurant and there were a bunch of us there, including Avery (and many other people I didn't know). Ethan was sitting upright in a wheelchair, looking great and was devouring a fried chicken sandwich and loving it. I remember thinking in my dream, wow.... I'm so glad he can eat that now. You and the rest of us were beaming with joy and happiness. After the meal, Ethan's wheelchair morphed into a race car looking wheelchair with a joystick and he was maneuvering around. Just had to share this happy dream.....


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