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2/27 9:15 pm

Fran arrived at 7:45 am. It was a different machine and a slight bit more compact than the Fran yesterdaybut made about the same amount of noise. Ethan woke up briefly but took a nap through all 3 hours of dialysis. 

Ethan’s thyroid results came back that he has a low thyroid again. The endocrine team does not want to start hypothyroid medication just quite yet. This was discussed last week as seriously ill patients can have this issue and the thyroid is just going into a protective mode. So we will continue to monitor his thyroid level as we go.

Ethan will also have an ACTH stim test next week. This will measure Ethan’s ability to produce cortisol. Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone. It triggers your brain to let you know when to have the “flight or fight” response in a stressful situation. It controls your mood, motivation and fear. It’s pretty important as it also plays a role in blood pressure regulation, controls your sleep/wake cycle , how your body utilizes carbohydrates and allows your body to handle stress. Ethan’s blood glucose has been elevated for several weeks (not terribly high) and both issues are related to prolonged use of steroids if I understood correctly.

If Ethan has a thyroid issue, we will deal with it. It will suck but I am just so grateful we got to this point. I daily think back to December 17 th. I probably relive that day more often than I care to admit. I remember the sounds in the room. I remember the smell. I remember the pin point pupils and dead eyes during his cardiac arrest. He has so much to do and I am glad he didn’t leave that day.

HD was a success. We were able to pull off 1.2 liters today. Three times the amount as yesterday.  The goal is to pull off one liter an hour for a total of 3 liters a session. So even though they got a lot of fluid off, some was left behind and now Ethan has been restricted to no fluids by mouth until Monday.  He has too much fluid in his system that his kidney can’t filter or remove. We can’t add any more than necessary. He even is taking his pills with yogurt instead of water to help.

Ethan was frustrated by this. When the renal doctor came in to let us know about the zero fluids until Monday, Ethan was curious if this was going to be how his life is from now on and what if he doesn’t get better.

Ethan’s nephrologist explained to him that he had an acute kidney injury. It will be be considered acute until the three month mark. If they remain “acute” injuries they heal within that time frame. Once the three month mark passes, he is considered to have chronic kidney disease. He would remain on dialysis until he can be well enough for a kidney transplant. (Are you flipping kidding me?) You can imagine that this took the wind right out of his sails.

“I don’t want another transplant.” He said. His eyes were wide and scared. “I don’t want you too either.” I had already decided that he could have one of mine if he needs one as we have the same blood type. He also has an “in” at the hospital because his nephrologist also runs the kidney transplant program. I even went one step further and made sure I met all the criteria for being his donor.

He then became nauseous and was wretching. Icing on the cake. It was short lived so that was good.

We talked about how it is unproductive to worry about this now. One of the things I have learned here was the term “reframe it”. Anything can be reframed so that you can find the bright side. Ethan might need a kidney transplant.  If I reframe it, Ethan is still here and just may end up needing a kidney transplant. He also may not need one. There are so many things that could change and steer his path along the way into a different direction. We decided to remove this worry from our plate. We discussed how the worry won’t help or change anything. It will actually get in the way of sleeping and more of our short term goals. We need to focus and celebrate the wins. It still is not a definite and we have 4 weeks and 5 days left to get this kidney jump started. Come on kidney...wake up. Don’t be a free loader.

Now we have a choice. To wallow in our own self pity. “Woah is me” or the alternative of playing PlayStation. So Ethan chose to not only play the PlayStation but to do it on the couch. He wanted to sit with me on the couch. His nurse made it happen. So we sat together as he played. Wow!  Today was the first time he has sat on a couch since November. That is a win!

The GI doctor came and visited with Ethan. She said that often when people suffer from being critically ill for a long time, all of their blood goes to the vital organs and skips over the less important organs.  They think Ethan’s motility, or ability to push food through has slowed down because he was so sick. The solution to combat his nausea is to feed him small frequent feeds in his feeding tube and then let his gut rest. We will see how that effects his nausea.

Ethan was able to walk from the couch to the bed assisted. Another win and bright side for today. 

We had a lot of news today. All we can do is live one day at a time and work on the things we can control. We are letting the other things go for now.  If we didn’t, our fears of the unknown would have crippling grip on us and inhibit our “in the moment” lives.


  1. This news is a lot to think about. I hope and pray you both don’t have to go through another procedure. Take one day at a time, continue to kick ass. Keep looking on the bright side. Your positivity keeps the progress moving.

  2. Your take on this seems spot on.
    Years ago I took the Serenity Prayer to heart because the simple words were like the best life governance I could find. "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Discernment. Realizing what we can change and what we have to meet head on and deal with... And it's tough when you've been kind of hit broadside so often, but you've both hung in there. I mean you have exampled grit and wit and determination.

    So another possible hurdle, but much smaller than the initial hurdle, the initial transplant. And maybe we'll get lucky and Mr. Kidney will decide he doesn't want to be in a British Baking Show and made into a pie (I can't even imagine eating steak and kidney pie, but you see it in Brit mysteries all the time!!!!!) and he'll behave himself and get on with his job. I mean,geez... he has one job! :)

    One step at a time is the wisdom of experience and realization that we got to this point. YAY FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!! You are stinkin' amazing! And I love that you grab hold of the ride bar and stay on the coaster.... because the ride isn't over. Sending hugs from Hilton which is very soggy and muddy here on the farm. But snow is melting! I love winter but it gets to March 1 and I'm ready for spring. Even cold, wet, rainy spring. I'm spending my Lent praying for you guys. Every one of the Di Iulio family is "fearfully and wonderfully made"..... Have a good, good Sunday!

    1. My favorite thing I say to myself so as not to spiral is, “This too shall pass.”

  3. In the famous words of Dory the fish.....”just keep swimming”.....

  4. Good morning. Oh, I wish I could zap all that worry about the future. You've definitely got the right mindset. Keep on swimming. We should all take this advice. Definitely not easy to do. Keep stomping that worry away. There's no doubt in my mind that you are both strong enough to deal with whatever comes next. Ethan- you truly look so good in these pics. It's incredible. You are SITTING now. That is just huge and thrilling. You are most definitely kicking ass. xoxo

  5. I detect another bright spot...his smile muscles are working brilliantly. You both got this. Your thinking is on point. I say this all the have to not worry about the what ifs...doing that really messes with so many aspects of the mind and body. I learned that a lot through my cancer journey. Tackle the current with the rest if it happens. Love to you guys.

  6. “Just keep swimming” is perfect. 💚💚

  7. I'm so proud of you both. I wish I could read this blog to certain people in my life who don't reframe the stuff that they could, and then they suffer more (emotionally).

    You already had a good start on this, you both now have this wisdom, this technique, that will make the rest of your lives happier.

    Loved the couch pictures! It's so sweet to see you together. Cheering you on from Rochester!


  8. I pray Ethan does not need another transplant. But he will come through this kidney bump in the road despite what happens. A lot can change in four weeks five days...we’ve seen things change for the better in just a few days. Now get to working and kick some ass kidney!!!
    Many, many prayers for you all and complete healing of that kidney. Sending hugs 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  9. The couch picture is priceless, love it❤️.
    As Kimberly said, a lot can change in days, weeks, etc. Ethan has proven to us that his body can do miraculous things when we least expect it. Right now we take it one day at a time and take in each and every positive achievement and celebrate.
    Enjoy your Sunday together.

  10. I LOVE the photo of you two on the couch! <3<3 His smile is looking great!


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