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Day two. Ethan is sore from all the walking yesterday. He still managed to dress himself and put his shoes on. He also brushed his own teeth and used the bathroom by himself. This is HUGE progress for both of us. He totally LOVES the food and has eaten everything on his plate for each meal. 

His kidney is still trying. He puts out a little bit more urine each day but still is hardly working. Our first dialysis appointment is tomorrow. Our insurance doesn’t cover transportation so I am nervous. I am hoping I can make it work without a hitch. I am putting all my faith in Uber.

Ethan has a therapy session today. He is pretty excited about it. Yesterday we had a great conversation about how if you are frustrated, angry or depressed, that your head space becomes cloudy and you lose motivation. Now that he is in a better emotional place, he has been able to focus on a goal and make such huge progress without any therapies but mom’s gentle nudging.

Ethan went to the gym today for his physical therapy. Tomorrow will be busy. School and therapies in the morning, dialysis in the afternoon. Cram in some meals and he will be wiped out.

He then let me give him a proper hair cut. Like a real haircut. We didn’t go too short because he has a bald spot on the back of his head from when all he did was lay in a coma. 

Ethan wanted to exfoliate this evening so I went to walgreen’s and got a charcoal mask for us both. While there I found JELLYBEANS.  Sweet tart jellybeans. My secret obsession. I don’t like the licorice ones though.

I bought boots strips and facial masks. We were able to Portal with Paul and Avery and we all applied masks. Paul and Avery’s masks looked gross and disturbing. Ethan and my mask was more traditional.

Ethan and I sat down  to hang out with each other. It was a ready good day. Tomorrow is when the real hard part is going to happen he has already tuned me  out.

Happy Birthday Sarah.❤️


  1. What a fabulous post to start the day with! It sounds like this rehab place is really great so far and Ethan is making tremendous progress. You all look so great (although also disturbing in those facial masks). I hope all goes smooth with the dialysis. We'll be cheering for you!

  2. Paul and Avery look a tad bit frightening with those masks. But you two look adorable.

    Great to hear Ethan loved the food. Sounds like many positives so far. I’m curious to know what your sleeping quarters are? Hope you have something more comfortable this time. You will be so happy when you can sleep in your own bed again.

    Have a great day! Praying transportation goes super smooth for you. 🙏

  3. Love the mask pictures ! I'm glad Ethan like the food and therapy is going well. I'll be hoping dialysis goes well too!



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