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It’s show time kidney! This morning the renal team came in to tell us that Ethan’s blood work after dialysis yesterday was abnormal but to the point where instead of dialysis, we could try a diuretic challenge.  Ethan was blasted with diuretics to see how he did.  Shortly afterward, he made 10 ml of urine.

Then there was nothing. The kidney went back to sleep. Stupid kidney. 

He also had his kidney ultrasound to take measurements and look at blood flow in the solitary kidney. We get results tomorrow.

Ethan’s fluid restriction was reduced to only 1.2 liters a day for today and tomorrow. Some of that is overnight feeds which reduces him to a mere 19 oz a day. He was pissed.

Ethan was able to walk up mostly unassisted to 9 Tower and go visit his friends. Everyone was excited to see him and the fact he was walking without a walker.

I also took Ethan for a wheel chair ride outside in the courtyard. NO ONE was outside even though it was sunny and about 50 degrees.

Today’s urine output was 12.5 ml. To put that in perspective, it is the same as 2 and a half teaspoons of urine.

We were both tired today after the long week. We watched the movie Step Brothers. It was fun to laugh together.


  1. Damn you kidney. But hooray for walking without a Walker!

  2. I'm with Sandy. We might want to reconsider Brit steak and kidney pie.... I'll buy the steak.

    Dagnabbit, I'm sorry about that because I know he's got reason to be concerned about transplant #2 but we know that operation/outcome isn't as fraught with drama but this lazy little kidney could make everything easier by standing up and doing its job military style, but NOOOOO! :) Still, seeing Ethan walk is absolutely wonderful!!!!! AMAZING!!!! Hallelujah chorus being sung!

    And no one outside? NYC is so weird.... but then they've been told to live inside for a year. I expect that will take some time to readjust.... I'm glad you guys got outside, though. The good Lord's fresh air! :) Another hallelujah!

  3. Ethan you are looking good walking straight and tall. We are all frustrated with you! Sending you Huge virtual hugs!!!!! Love you Both

  4. I've got some swear words for that kidney. Well.... Ethan..... you are still the leading star in an Academy Award winning medical drama right now. Darn that kidney. You've come so very far. We're all cheering for you and will be here for every next step. I just learned of a little girl that just had a kidney transplant (she's the daughter of somebody I went to college with). Her mom was the donor and the surgery went very smooth and the little girl and mom are doing great. I'm so grateful we are living in a time where organ transplants are even possible. It's truly amazing. Hoping you and your mom have a great day today. You deserve nothing but great days from now on.

  5. Ok kidney, it’s time to get over yourself and put some effort into this, Ethan and Patti have enough to concentrate on.
    OMGosh Ethan, look at you go unassisted!!! So proud of you.
    I can only imagine how wonderful that fresh air feels, refreshing for sure.
    I hope you can enjoy today, it is very cold here.

    1. I know..He's putting me and my new hip to shame. I can't keep up. No fair! Wait up Ethan!!!!

  6. Man I know how hard this is for you Ethan but you are moving forward the best you can. Look at the beginning of the week, walker walking-yesterday on your own two feet! Marvelous! Keep it up you guys. The picture yesterday was such a great picture of a good looking young man with his mom's smile.


  7. Ethan, we are all routing for you and continually keeping you in our prayers. You are doing so well.

  8. I bet your friends were thrilled to see you and see how awesome you are doing!!!
    Glad you had some much deserved laughs after such an emotional week.

  9. Ethsn watching you walking
    On your own was awesome.
    You made that happen with your “Positive Attitude” just like everything else you have done ...

    This Kidney needs a good kick
    in the pants ..
    Realize this is not an easy thing to deal with but your spirit and
    determination will
    help you come through a Winnet
    The saying goes that when
    “The Going Gets Tough..,
    The Tough Get Going”
    That is You all along this Journey
    Our Hope and Prayers are
    That this Kidney Wakes Up..
    You have Kicked hard so darn and know you can
    and will keep charging
    Through ...
    Sending lots of Love ❤️
    And Hugs 🤗 yo the
    “Dynamo Duo”


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