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Today was my bright spot. Ethan slept in. He had 2 hours of therapy. He then decided for both of us that we would have a day of rest and quiet. Lady Loud was cooperative today. She spent most of her time in the parent lounge and therefore I did not. The room was quiet and wonderful.

Ethan and I played a game together the majority of the day. We sat quietly in each other’s company and it was delightful for us both.

While he was at PT, I went on a walk and enjoyed the spring sunshine. We are still in a “city” setting and don’t quite have the spring noises we are used to like the peepers and variety of different birds singing. I did watch a pair of kinky birds playing “leap frog” wink wink. Some things never change no matter what the setting.

We also received numerous texts, pictures and videos from everyone having so much fun at The Little Speed Shops annual ‘Fun Run 21’. Ethan was bummed he couldn’t be there but vows he will be there next year to maneuver his car around the Watkins Glenn Track!  Ethan also looks forward to getting back there in the future.Thank you to Jill and Kevin at The Little Speed Shop for the fundraiser in Ethan’s name! Thank you to everyone that participated and supported us! It seems like everyone had a blast!

Lady Loud fell asleep this afternoon. Ethan and I were very respectful and quiet because it’s the right thing to do. If we had to do anything loud we would go in the hall. Ethan and I talked about being the bigger person. We took the high road.  The view is better.

Right after dinner Ethan had a vomiting sneak attack. He made his vomit face and luckily I caught most of it in the barf bucket. He did get some on his shirt and pants. We were able to get it in the washing machine and all cleaned up very quickly. We reported it right away to the nurse as we aren’t supposed to ignore anything. I am not concerned.  He was weaned again on his methadone today, he had a lot for dinner, he drank his milk too fast and there are many things that could have caused it. He doesn’t feel sick and we moved on.

We are one day closer to going home!!!!


  1. Oh happy day together in
    Peace and Quiet?!
    Thank God!
    Ethan looks do good !
    I heard about Cats snd Coffee
    Today... How Great to all
    Of the m force hat they do
    Snd What they mean to
    You’re going to Be back on the road Ethan ! Yeah!!

  2. I'm so sorry for the vomiting moment, but overall it sounds that you both had a great day! Here's to so many more great days ahead. xoxo

  3. 🏁🏁🏁
    Almost at the finish line 🎉🥳

  4. I'm so glad y'all have been getting breaks from Lady Loud! ( Haha! Love your names, Patti) A little peace & quiet is such a beautiful thing... esp at a time of recovery & therapy! If only she could simply be respectful & quiet 4 others--just as u both did 4 her. How that's not obvious 2 people like her, I will never know. SMH! Anyhow, loving the quiet, rest, & sunshine y'all have been getting!! Loving these pics of Ethan & also your jokes & humor, Patti! Also, your "bright spots" have inspired me. Whenever my pain days are the worst, I've now been looking for something bright somewhere in between. If y'all can do it with all u've been thru in these past 5+ challenging months, then I can certainly do it too. <3


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