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Ethan woke up and got himself ready for school. He logged into class and attended class. He got done with class and had 15 minutes to prepare for tutoring that started at 10:00. After tutoring we ventured across the city to get introduced to the wonderful world of home dialysis. Our trainer was not only engaging and funny, he made me comfortable enough to play a joke on him. For me, this is a weird compliment.

I had to pass a colorblind was test. The first 5 answers I gave correctly. I had to read the numbers on each page. The numbers were either red with a green background or vise verse. After delivering 5 correctly, I gave an incorrect answer...on purpose. He looked at the number and said, no this number, assuming I had read the number on the adjacent page. I repeated the answer. There was a “processing” pause, as he tried to figure out what to do about this situation.  I busted up and said...” just messing with you”. He started laughing. I knew he would make a great teacher. Ethan hung his head and just shook it in embarrassment ( I don’t really thing he was embarrassed though).

After that was physical therapy. I dropped Ethan off despite feeling lousy from the last wean. When I picked him up, he was exhausted. I made dinner and made sure he had some to eat.

The weather was a bit cold and damp but the bright spot was that we have an awesome fit for a dialysis teacher. He said that it would take about 5-6 weeks to train. I told him my goal was to have it take less time than that.

Also, thank you to all the ladies at the Hilton Lutheran Church that worked on the beautiful quilt, made with love, for Ethan. It is amazing.


  1. Sounds like you guys
    jumped another hurdle!
    So great and so proud of
    the “Dynamo Duo”♥️🤗

  2. Ok now I’m scared to come over today. Can I just meet with Paul so I don’t get a Patti Prank. Haha. I’m so glad the dialysis guy is a perfect fit. But 5-6 weeks?...he doesn’t know the team he’s working with, you’ll get it down in no time.

    I bet my aunt Carolyn worked on his quilt. I’m going to have to ask her. How nice of the church group to do that for Ethan. He has a lot of people who love him, that’s for sure. ❤️

  3. You are hilarious. I'm glad things are moving forward more smoothly. Hope today is a great day!

  4. Our larry dna makes us mess with people, and its just how we're built!

  5. Oh boy, this dialysis teacher has no idea what he is in for with “Pranky Patti”, lol. Laughing is good for the soul!

  6. Aren't those quilts amazing? Made with love! I can't believe I haven't been over here in the last couple of weeks, my bad... I blame the farm and getting things done and too many jobs, but I am thrilled to be catching up on my buddy Ethan (who is prayed for every week at St. Paul's) and your antics.... And just having you guys back in town is marvelous with a Capital M!!!!!

    Continued prayers for the dialysis to get smoothed out..... for his cute brain to behave itself.... and just so crazy glad to have you guys back in Hilton.


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