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A high school friend reached out to me. She has been following Ethan’s Journey. She shared what life was like from the donor’s side as her young nephew donated his organs when he passed. I so much her point of view. Can you imagine yourself in the parents shoes making that decision? 

I had flashbacks of when I took Ethan to the DMV to take his driving permit test.  As he was filling out his paperwork he got to the question of “Would you like to be an organ donor?” He paused. “What does this mean?” He asked. 

I remember explaining to him what it meant. I remember saying “If you get to the point where they refer to if you are an organ donor or not, it’s not good for you at all, but it is your last chance to help someone else. Always check yes.”  At the time I wasn’t thinking of families that lose an their organ donor. I wasn’t thinking about families that need organ donation. At that point it was just a question. Just a box to check to get to the next step.

While I am glad we had that exchange a couple years ago, that box means something different to me now. Would I change which box I choose? Absolutely not. I am an organ donor. I intend to stay that way. But I can appreciate now what it means to the family in need of a donor. I have spent endless hours wondering about how our donor family is doing after the loss of their child. I want to share with them the priceless gift they gave us. I want them to know Ethan has given his new heart a good home.

Based on the NY DMV website only 42% of New Yorkers are enrolled in New York State Donate Life Registry.  The national average is 69% (gigitty). Come on NY....we can do better.

Also, I found that one donor can save up to 8 lives and improve the lives of 75 people by donating tissues and corneas. Wow!

I ask for you to rethink your decision if you are not an organ donor. You can easily change your status at  That is my public service announcement for the day.

I called in Ethan’s lunch order today. It is required for him to order one dairy item, one fruit item and one vegetable item.

The call went like this:
Me: “I would like to order the fruit and cottage cheese platter. A side of macaroni and cheese, a side salad, and a cherry Greek yogurt.”

Guy: “what kind of Greek yogurt?”

Me: “Cherry.” (As I had already stated)

Guy: “we have black cherry but not regular cherry.”

Me: paused for a moment ...I thought about saying that Ethan can only eat the red cherries because he’s allergic to the complex sugars in “black” cherries....which is my brain being an asshole. “Black cherry is fine.”

Guy: “you need a vegetable.”

Me: “a side salad.” (Also already stated.  Am I being punked?

Guy: “you need a dairy.”

Me: “Greek yogurt.  BLACK cherry.” Is this guy high?

Guy: “oh yeah.  You said that.  You need a fruit.”

Me: “would the fruit portion of the platter count as a fruit?” (I only asked this because they do not consider baked potatoes or baked sweet potatoes a vegetable and I found that out the hard way.)

Guy: “oh...yeah...I guess that counts.”

I got off the phone with him and took a deep breath.  Wow. That was a painful conversation. Maybe my patience is wearing thin.

Ethan and I bailed from the room today. It became quite noisy in our room. Our roommate’s mom came to visit and had music on, extra loud on her laptop and after hour two of listening to it at full blast, we both needed a break. We went to the lounge area. 

It was quiet. It was bright and was the right decision. It’s hard to share a room. Sometimes people just have different levels of what is acceptable and what is not.  This mom has walked in on Ethan twice while he was in the bathroom. Parents aren’t supposed to even use the bathrooms in the patient rooms. We have different bathrooms to use down the hall.  Ethan now has me guard the door as they don’t lock at all. 

We have learned to adapt to these new living arrangements. There are good things about it and bad. The bottom line is, we will be out of here soon. Couple more weeks.

Ethan had OT for a half hour. He liked it. It is cool how they incorporate games into everything. He looks forward to his therapies. He has an hour and a half of PT today. He is requesting to work on upper body since yesterday was lower body.

We were able to get time to go to the lounge.  He also went for a walk outside for a bit. There is a big fish tank with really pretty salt water fish in it in the lobby.  When we look at it, we create a back story always with a lot of drama. It’s fun. I actually might have more fun that Ethan. One fish can’t close its mouth. I call it “blow up doll fish”. It just swim as around surprises all the time.

We ate dinner and relaxed the evening. Our crazy busy week begins tomorrow with a more consistent school schedule. Wish us luck.


  1. Organ donation is not unusual any more. You are so right. It is the last gift you can give to this world. Work hard today. We are thinking about you both all of the time. Love you Both!

  2. I just upgraded to the Federal license and became an organ donor in February. With having Lupus I wasn’t sure it was possible as I can’t donate blood. However, I have good corneas, all other organs and apparently, the heart of an athlete. Which is pretty hysterical at my age since I was a lazy couch potato most my life. Lol. Anyway, I figured it would be alright since they test anyway. I sort of know what it’s like to be on the other end. My bff lost her brother, he was like a brother to me too. When I found out how many lives he saved it was very emotional; I am glad Robbie was a donor.

    Now you have more toilet etiquette to add to our co-chapter for my book, Patti. By the time you leave you might just have an entire book, not only a chapter, on how to toilet properly. Who knew that was something needed to be taught...LOL. Maybe the CDC should add that to the list of COVID guidelines, not just hand washing. Haha.

    Ot sounds great; that is awesome how they incorporate games. I’m glad Ethan likes it there (aside from the annoying mommate ugh) and he has something to look forward too. That will make the time you have left go faster, won’t be long now. πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰ Have a wonderful week! I’m sure I’ll have some funny texts for you or frightening, one only knows as the saga continues. 🀷‍♀️πŸ˜‚

  3. You are amazing for encouraging people to become organ donors! This is stuff you don't really think about until you hear people's stories and then you start to think about the positive impact you can have on somebody else's life. It's so scary to deal with our mortality and our loved one's mortality, but it's so important to keep these conversations going. I hope your day is a great one today. Good luck with a busy Monday. xoxo

  4. I am proud to say I am now an official organ donor since I renewed my license in January. I thought about it for a long time, and my only hesitation was the totally unreasonable one that they wouldn't do everything possible to save me when/if I need it if they see I'm an organ donor!! So silly! Ethan was a big inspiration for changing my status. Thank you Ethan! You continue to be an inspiration to work hard and push through adversity.

  5. I'm happy to say I have been registered as an organ donor since I was 16. I wish every state was opt-out of donation instead of opt-in. Many people don't give it a thought, especially teenagers! So thank you for today's PSA. I hope you had a good day today with the busy schedule you have! It's always great to see Ethan's smiling face, and I can't wait to see what he puts together for his next video.

    He's been such an inspiration and I'm sure many more lives will be saved in the future because he had raised awareness of Organ donation in so many people.


  6. Leave it to you to name the fish “the blow up doll fishπŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΌ‍♀️.” What’s sad is that I picked that right out of your entire blog, I’m bad.
    I’m glad you have been able to soak up some sunshine, it is good for the soul. Ethan looks so good, we love to see that smile. Keep up the good work Ethan.

  7. Great pic! Please donate your organs, everyone!


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