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 I have another gripe about parents sharing a shower.  There should be a sign to keep your time in the ONLY bathroom with a shower to less than 30 minutes. When I woke up, I grabbed my shower things and the bathroom was already occupied. So I made coffee and sat outside the door for 45 minutes who knows how long that person was in there before I showed up. I need to get out of here.

We are having a hard time setting things up for when we go home. It doesn’t seem like it should be so hard. We want to transfer to a dialysis center near home.  We are being told we have to be seen by a nephrologist in Rochester, which we haven’t ever had due to this being a new issue. This nephrologist isn’t affiliated with the dialysis center we chose. The nephrologist is with a different dialysis center. So why would we have to go to a nephrologist that doesn’t work with the place we chose? I don’t understand. 

I know I don’t understand all that goes into this transfer but I feel like there might be a political “cock block” going on. Either that or there is a logical reason and I am being silly. I have put in several emails, calls and have gathered some information but not a definite answer of Why. Why do we have to do it that way? That has been frustrating and taken up the majority of the day. Now we will venture into the weekend when life literally stands still in the medical facility. With a bare bones crew and no one answering emails or phones. At least we have time.

Ethan continues to work hard. Today he even played air hockey. He plans to catch up on some homework this weekend between his therapies. They give him longer therapies on the weekends because of his dialysis appointments during the week. 7 days of therapy isn’t bad.

I was able to get out for a walk today and enjoy the weather. This was my bright spot. I had a lot of alone time and completely let my mind just wander. It was wonderful. I don’t even know what I was thinking about.

Ethan ordered pasta for dinner. His calorie goal is 2500-2700 calories per day. He was a bit surprised as the last pasta he ordered only two ravioli arrived. This one sure did make up for it. Of course he couldn’t eat all of it. We joked that he could eat it and do the Rabies Fun Run, Race for the Cure like Michael Scott. He then reminded me how Michael Scott vomited. (The Office reference).

Our Roommate’s mom (Aka Lady Loud) came back. Ethan had some choice words about it and it’s like he read my mind. I am currently channeling my patience and am going to try and model the best behavior I can  for Ethan. We will see how it goes. Hopefully Lady Loud will keep it down and leave soon.

Everyday gets us closer to home.


  1. We can’t wait for that day to come! And we really know for sure you guys can’t wait either !
    Can’t wait to hear the
    words “We’re on our way”
    That will be Just as exciting news as the day Ethan was Born!!!

  2. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. I wish you could click your shoes together and get the hell out of there. So close...... I'm so sorry the coordination of things back home is going to be so frustrating. Why, oh, why can't systems work together? xoxo

  3. Nothing ever runs smoothly in the medical world 🙄. In time the puzzle pieces will connect and you all will finally get on with your lives as a family together ✝️

  4. Ugh on Lady Loud, I guess the word consideration doesn’t come easy for some. How that can’t happen in a medical facility is beyond me.
    It’s great to see Ethan getting around, playing air hockey, etc. Great job Ethan!!
    One day closer...

  5. Lady loud sounds to royalish...I’m making an editorial decision...changing her name to lady loud mother f’r. 😂😳

    Geez Louise, I hope the dialysis / nephrologist gets worked out quickly. Why does everything have to be so frustrating with medical?You’re almost there, can do this

    Who’s running this dietary show? And why do they think they are feeding a giant?? It sure is a cute pic of Ethan though.
    Counting the days till drinks.


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