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Today I worked a good portion of the day. I was tired. My brain is tired. I started the 7 hour prep work for the home dialysis treatment. This means I got all the stuff ready and then pushed a button on our machine. The machine goes through a number of tests and some other stuff that I really don’t know….but it needs like 7 hours to mix before I can use it. My portion takes about 10 minutes or less. So it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

I am feeling a bit blah today. Overwhelmed? Tired? I am not really sure. There is so much to do and I have the energy for none of it. I thought maybe if I took a walk outside and got some sunshine it may perk me up. It didn’t. I feel like I need a long nap.

Ethan focused on his calorie intake today. His mouth still hurts but nothing a little mouth rinsing can’t fix. He is eating much better! 

Now that his mouth is feeling a little better, we are going to really try to increase the PT we are doing at home. I want to pair it with activities I need help with. Channel my inner Mr. Miyagi. Wax on. Wax off. We will see how willing he is to participate.

Tomorrow will be busy. Ethan needs a hair cut, a good bathing, his contacts switched (which I do and it usually is a disaster). He also will get dialysis. We need to pack for NYC.

Paul had a great idea tonight. We had a campfire. Phineas fell asleep by the fire like the good dog that he is. I was very grateful to share that time with the family. Ethan didn’t want to come out because he had big plans to eat. That’s ok. Eat away kid.

Happy Birthdays to Heather!!!!


  1. It was a perfect night for a campfire!!!

  2. Love that you are getting some summer joys in. It makes total sense to me that you are tired. I hope you can schedule in some rest for yourself. You might not wake up for days though. Good luck with the NYC trip! Who would have thought you'd have so much NYC experience under your belt? Hope everything goes nice and smooth!!

  3. Good to hear Ethan’s mouth is feeling better and eating is becoming enjoyable again. Pack on those lbs!
    Hope you were able to relax and that overwhelming feeling isn’t as much today. You are doing amazing with all you have going on. Not sure how you even have time to work. If there’s anything I can do to help let me know...including an ear to vent, cup of coffee or margaritas on the patio! 💚

  4. Have a Safe Trip to NYC
    Patti and Ethan.
    Hope all goes well for both of
    you !
    We look forward to your return back home 🏠 to Celebrate
    the 2021 Graduation of Ethan from Hilton High School
    And Celebrate Patti’s accomplishment in learning
    How to administer Kidney Dialysis at Home! !Great Job
    Patti.. proud of you
    Congratulations 🎉 to both of
    Hurray and Yeah!!!


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