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Today Ethan’s mouth declared war on him. He has developed another canker sore. Magic mouthwash isn’t helping at all any more. I bought some topical canker sore cream with benzocaine. It was “too minty” for Ethan. He didn’t eat the best today but he tried.

Time slips through my fingers like sand. I have been managing pretty good considering. I could do without all the graduation hoopla and college admissions hoopla on top of everything else.

NYC decided Rochester wasn’t moving fast enough with scheduling the MRI. They went ahead and scheduled Ethan’s MRI when we go to the city. Our days will be full and tiring, but we are going to get it all done.

Ethan is finishing up with his tutoring and has one to two more sessions for one of his classes. His other class wraps up next Friday. Phew! Once school is done we can spend more time focusing on healing and conditioning and moving forward.

Ethan was my bright spot today. Despite his mouth hurting, he was able to get some school work done. He kept a positive attitude. Wow! He is a trooper.


  1. you are both still kicking butt - it seems like an endless journey, but you are doing it. Thank you for the bright spots, they help me, too. focus on what you and Ethan need to do, and ignore the so-called "fluff". it's all just one day at a time...


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