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As I reflect back on the past year, I am so proud to say the I have a graduate! Great job to Ethan and all his class mates. Hilton School District did a great job of with planning and executing such a wonderful graduation ceremony. I can’t say enough great things about how much they have bent over backwards for us. Wow! Frontier Field was a great venue.

I had to go buy some chair pads for Ethan’s boney butt.  His counselor at school has been nothing but supportive and helpful for the past several years. She took care of making sure Ethan’s chair had the pads. 

I dropped Ethan off with his classmates. These are kids he hasn’t seen since March 13 th, 2020. 

Ethan walked by us as the seniors paraded down to the field and found their seats. 

There were speeches made and then the kids lined up for the ceremonious roll call as they get their moment to have their name called. My brother, Brian and his wife, Kristen were watching the live stream.  As we were listening to all the names called and all the families cheer for their kid, Avery and I discussed what we were going to yell out.  We posed the question to Brian and Kristen asking for ideas to tell out. They suggested “I want a toilet” the phrase Ethan wrote to me while on ECMO and intubated right after his transplant. Perfect!

I didn’t cry! I cheered loud and proud! It was a cheer I have been saving up for this day. And of course, Avery and I yelled “I want a toilet” as loud as we could after we cheered of course! I have included the link to the short video below:

After all the kids went through the line they circled back to their seats until each kid got to go have their moment.

Watching your first born graduate is a mixture of all sorts of emotions. I miss the little 4 year old Ethan that would tell me all about construction vehicles. It is a moment of pride as you think, “wow! I got them this far, now the sky is the limit.” 

You have your family members that were strategic in building your child’s character cheering them on in person as well as online. THEN you get to see your kid’s friend’s and cheer them on too. It really was a big stadium filled with positive energy supporting the up and coming generation.

Afterward, the kids went to their families and a fireworks display was set to start. The fireworks were a great way to end the evening, with a bang!

My leg is still swollen and sore. I had a doctor’s appointment via zoom. It was quick and efficient. I was asked the dreaded pain scale question. I believe that Brian Regan did a comedy skit on that question. My leg is uncomfortable but I can function without much deviation from normal living.

I have felt multiple aspects of pain with excessive back pain, child birth and my broken elbow. So “on a scale of 1-10 how bad is your pain?” If 10 is the worst, I would say childbirth, so how do I place cellulitis on this scale. I can’t say a 5 because that would be half the pain of childbirth. I don’t want to say a number too low and then have the issue dismissed. I settled on 3. It’s sore and annoying but nothing I can’t handle. Stupid pain scale. I want to revamp the pain scale. Out of these 5 phrases, how would you rate you pain?

1. I probably should take some Ibuprofen

2. I wish the ibuprofen I took was stronger

3. Ouch! This sucks. I need someone to feel sorry for me

4. Woah! Am I dying?

5. I am dying and this f@cking hurts!

I would put myself at a 2. I have antibiotics and hopefully it will resolve quickly. Just a little bump n the road.


  1. It was wonderful to see Ethan walking with all the kids last night. I was so happy for him and all of you. Hope your leg feels better today.

  2. It was a wonderful graduation night. You hit the nail on the head when you said the stadium was full of energy. All of the kids did a great job! The one thing I will always remember is the huge smile on Ethan's face as he walked back to his seat for the fireworks. It went from ear to ear. Just a few months ago he was practicing how to smile again. Congratulations to ALL of the graduates in the Hilton Class of 2021.

  3. Congratulations!!! We are so thrilled to hear about Ethan's graduation. I'm super impressed at the location and how extra special they made it! It's a great, big celebratory moment that you all deserve. I bet this moment didn't even seem possible a few months ago. I love your new pain scale. That should be put into practice immediately. As for YOUR aliment, I will be the friend that feels sorry for you. It sucks you have that to deal with. I am really glad you have meds. Speedy healing! xoxo

  4. I like your pain scale☺️
    Congratulations to Ethan, well done 👨‍🎓🎉

  5. Congrats to Ethan. Our granddaughter graduated on Sunday night at Frontier Field too. It was a great place to hold all those kids and we were able to see everything easily. Also had the fireworks and when we left it started to sprinkle then a thunderstorm. Made it just in time.

  6. I have been reading your blog each day for some time now. You and Ethan are two of the most courageous and inspiring people I've ever 'known'. My own daughter graduated with Ethan last night so I was at the ceremony. I cheered Ethan on as he walked by but I have to say, he deserved nothing less than a standing ovation. While the ceremony was nice, I feel they could have acknowledged this amazing kid a bit more, as he is the personification of Cadet pride and spirit. I'm sorry, I by no means wish to sour what sounds like was a nice night for you and your family, but I can't help but think that if the organizers had any kind of understanding of what Ethan has been through to get there, his reception would have been commensurate. In any case, congratulations to Ethan...I'm convinced he can do anything.

    PS. If I or my family can lend a hand in any way (rides for example), just let us know.

    1. Wow! Thank you Tom. It is so amazing to keep meeting people that have been reading my blog. We know how hard Ethan worked for his goal of walking across the stage. He has so much pride in accomplishing his goal. In 6 months he went from dying to graduating. It’s so crazy to think of all the things that he went and is still continuing to go through. Your words are kind and appreciated. ❤️ Thank you for cheering us on.

  7. First, you keep an eye on that leg!! I do like your pain scale though. When my back is in full rage, I too have my own pain scale but I will keep that to myself, lol!!
    To see Ethan receive his diploma last night was breathtaking, everything flashed before my eyes as to where he was months ago and it was like “WOW”!!! You raised a wonderful young man and an inspiration to so many. Ethan should be proud of his accomplishments and all of you should be proud for the love and guidance you provided to help him achieve those goals.

  8. We watched live stream. Ethan had the loudest cheers and my son noted that "Ethan got extra air time" as the camera followed him longer along his walk compared to the other students. He looked awesome. Amazing kid. Amazing family! Congrats!


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