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I got a phone call today at lunch from the endocrinologist from NYC. Ethan had some follow up tests last week to make sure the tumor on his pituitary gland isn’t misbehaving. 

In fact, the tumor has settled down and many of the values that were elevated in the past are now approaching or are in the normal range. Most of these tumors are benign but can cause issues with vision impairment, headaches, loss of pituitary function or excessive hormone production that has its list of a bazillion (yeah….that’s a real number) medical issues.

This tumor caused Ethan’s hormones to be all out of whack (I am certain that is a medical term) earlier in the year. This is when he was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and has been on a supplement since.

This was great news! I am so glad the levels are settling out. Sometimes when someone experiences such a significant critical illness these types of things happen.

Ethan is perfectly imperfect. He’s Fl-awesome.

Dialysis went well tonight. We started up the iron infusions again. Blasted anemia. It’s a kidney thing. 

Ethan woke up this morning around 8. He ate breakfast and then took a 45 minute nap. He took his meds are 9:30 and fell back to sleep until about 1:15. He’s not normally this tired but combine graduation with being anemic, the kid was pooped. He feels so much better after resting.

I have included pictures of the dialysis machine and our set up just for reference. I have talked to several people that have questions about the size and what it looks like. I too had those questions before I saw it.

My bright spot today was that I had a really fun day filled with laughs while totally kicking butt and getting lots of or done, at work! It feels good leaving work knowing you made a difference that day. It was a good day all around. As far as my leg, I had it pressure wrapped all day and according to my own pain scale I am at between a level 1 and 2. Not bad! I even signed up to work Saturday despite it. Pain doesn’t  control me. I am the boss of me! Ha ha.


  1. Graduation was amazing and I'm glad Ethan has the dialysis at home (and the pro to run it!) so he can rest and recoup. All great news here... lots of bunches of roses! �� ��

  2. those are supposed to be roses! lol

  3. Only more good days aheadπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽ‰

  4. So thrilled about this great news. Perfectly imperfect! I love this and think it applies to all of us. That dialysis set-up is no joke. Add that to your resume of life. Super impressed, my friend.


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