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I didn’t sleep well last night. I felt out of sorts. I power cleaned at 4 in the morning just to be alone with my thoughts.

Ethan needed his lab work this morning. His rejection medication levels were too low. Then they were too high. We had to go get poked to see if the changes we made yesterday will affect the level today.

The frustrating part is there is a medication that we can get that keeps his level more stable but we are denied access to it.

While waiting, we ran into a fellow NYC heart transplant warrior. We chatted while we waited. We were comparing stories. Both stories unbelievable in their own way.

When we got home I called the insurance company. I was frustrated that there was a drug he could have that could keep things more stable but the company is preventing it. I needed an angle that we haven’t tried using before to help our case. I decided to use an angle that I have used many times while negotiating contracts with companies at work. Cost efficacy. 

I spoke to someone about the cost efficacy of denying Ethan’s other rejection medication. I explained that because of the denial his levels are yo yoing. Because of this denial, they were now paying for two medications, more frequent trips to the lab, more lab tests as well as putting Ethan at risk for more procedures in the future that would cost them money. This doesn’t seem cost effective on their part. I asked if it could be revisited with the medical director. We will see how it goes.

I then made some calls. I have been getting bills from the hospital for things I know we don’t owe. They want me to pay the bills but they don’t want to talk to me about them, only Ethan.  I have to get Ethan on the phone each time to give permission to talk to me. 

Then I have to verify his birthdate, address, phone number, subscriber ID number, date of his last period (just kidding on the last one). Then I have to go through the same set of questions for myself, even though we have been through the proper channels and filled out the paperwork stating he has given permission for them to talk to me. I find it annoying.

Some of these bills I know are in error. I call the hospital. They can’t help me resolve the issue, they tell me I need to call the insurance company.  I call the insurance company and they can’t help because I need more information from the hospital.  I then find out that the hospital needs an explanation of benefits sent from the insurance company.

As I finally start making a small amount of progress, I get the lady at the insurance company to email me an explanation of benefits. I am told the email will arrive 24-48 hours after this phone call. 

What? What kind of  snail email service is this? Since when is it so difficult to construct an email in less than 24-48 hours? Maybe it would be faster if I had gotten it in the mail.

After being on the phone 3-4 hours trying to resolve billing errors, I had had enough. 

I was able to work for a few hours. Get a splash of normalcy. See some cute animals, help them feel better.

Then I got home and had to make a new “sak” for Ethan’s new machine.

Our bright spot was the two men that came and set all of the dialysis equipment up for us. Moving home will be so nice.


  1. I admire your perseverance and innovation. And I share your frustration.

    But now you can do dialysis at home and take care of the sak!

    Love you guys.


  2. Your experience with the insurance companies and hospital bills makes me SO angry. WTF? This isn't right. You are trying so hard to make it right. Why are the powers that "be" making it so difficult? You shouldn't have to worry about all of this on top of taking care of Ethan. I am furious about this. I just don't get it. Hoping a break-thru happens soon. You need a break from this.

  3. ha! money talks! great tactic and I hope that resolves very soon. your tenaciousness is my inspiration takeaway today. ❤
    oh-- and feel free to power clean my house at 4am if you can't sleep, anytime 😉 just kidding...

  4. I feel your pain! It's unbelievable how much time we spend on all this ridiculous stuff. Make sure you don't pay the bills. Is there an advocate who could help with this? Did you let the NP's know what's going on? It's usually them who does the appeal. After a couple of times we are usually successful. The Insurance companies are so stupid! UGH - I'm annoyed for you. I'm glad Justice isn't 18 yet ... so sorry you're going through this. Like you haven't been through enough already?

  5. I am frustrated as heck for you with the insurance company. Hopefully, medical director hears what you are saying. Sad that dollar signs and how you put it will probably make all the difference. Sad, yet happy if it works. Ethan needs a break and you both need a break.
    All this red tape is beyond frustrating and so unnecessary. Ugh!

    Next time your up any hours of the night text me. I’m usually awake at some point, once or twice…I just watch Dynasty. It’s so cheesy…😂. Hope Ethan’s mouth is feeling a little better. 🙏

  6. Date of your last period, lol. Good one.


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