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Today is Avery’s 16 th birthday. Happy Birthday my baby girl. She has grown into such a delightful kid. She has been thrown into a tailspin over the past year and has handled it like a champ.

We went to the bakery this morning for some fresh made donuts. She wanted to out to dinner at the Irish pub, so we are going to do that. 

Ethan slept until 10:30 am. This pushed off dialysis until the middle of the day. Avery wanted to walk on the flat rock in the lake. I told her I wasn’t sure if we were going to get to that because dialysis was going to take several hours and then we were going out to eat. We may table it until tomorrow.

Ethan knew he was going to be exhausted today. He napped during dialysis. I was glad for that. He was saving his energy for going out to dinner.

We went to Texas Roadhouse for Avery’s birthday dinner. This was because the Irish pub was closed. Avery loved it. Ethan ordered an entire rack of ribs. He ate some ribs at the restaurant. He then brought the leftovers home and proceeded to eat the rest of them through a brief but fierce thunder and lightening storm.

Before we got to Texas Roadhouse, we stopped at Lowe’s to pick up some crack filler for the break wall. In true Avery fashion,  this shit show happened to Paul,  and he had  no clue it was happening. (The product in her hand is crack filler) the way Paul found out was that I texted this picture to him. He made a noise of disapproval when he opened the text several minutes later. But I think he secretly liked it.

Nature seems to be my bright spot. I got to take the dogs for a walk. Phineas got to swim his brains out and dive for rocks. Ferguson got to sit on the boat, even thought the boat sat in the lift, Ferguson was beyond excited to make the ceremonious trip plank by plank down the dock. He tried so hard and was so careful not to get his spindly, 5# self not stuck in the cracks. He proudly sat on the boat. His bonus, he got to eat a shelled peanut.  So wonderful to watch him having fun. It’s the little things that have the most impact.


  1. It is always the little things that make such a memory. Looks like Avery enjoyed herself at the store. Glad to see that you are all beginning to unwind a little.

  2. Happy Birthday Avery Reese! ❤ And love the crack filler!

  3. Love the crack filler 😂😂

  4. This girl pun intended up!! I love how everyone always picks on Paul and gets the funniest pics! It’s nice to know other families pick on one member...I feel your pain Paul. 😭 Happy sweet 16 Avery!! 🎈🎉🎂❤️

  5. Ha!!!! This is so funny!!!! I wish there was a picture of Pauls face when he saw that!!! 😆


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