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Today was my day off. I spent the morning trying to deal with our continued billing/ insurance/ collections issue. Lots of phone calls but there has been some progress so that is good.

I was finally able to file a ton of paperwork. I spent at least two hours sorting and filing.

I picked Ethan up from school, went to lunch. At lunch we got into a great conversation about human behavior, how we as people should always continue to refine ourselves into who we would like to be. Watch the behavior of others we find unfavorable and work on how we can avoid those mannerisms. We also talked about people that are unwilling to accept that they may need some self improvement and how it hurts them, but we have to accept their choice not to improve.  We got so involved in our hour long chat that we were almost late to our appointment.

We arrived thankfully on time but not many seconds to spare. Got to see my BFF dialysis nurse.  We also were visited by the nutritionist. She walked in, said “your numbers are great, you don’t need me, keep doing what you are doing.” Perfect. Ethan weighed in at 114.2 pounds.

The social worker came in and said that we should have heard something from Medicaid by now and she is concerned that we are falling through the cracks. So i have a new project to tackle and trying to find out more about our application that was sent to the state for some stupid reason when it should have been approved at the county level.

We also were complimented that we completed every treatment we were supposed to and had a month of smiley faces on a chart. Apparently they had never seen that before because it was a big deal. I have very black and white consequences when it comes to dialysis. I made them up myself with minimal medical science to back them up. 

Here are the rules: If Ethan gets dialysis, he lives. If we miss a session, he dies. Playing dialysis with those rules makes it very easy to complete each session. I have exaggerated the rules for myself but it seems to be working ha ha. 

We came home and got ready for dialysis. Dialysis was luckily uneventful. Another day closer to transplant.


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