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 The day started out at 3:45 am with dumb old Penny barking her stupid but beautiful brains out. Why? Who knows….it’s Penny. She really doesn’t have a thought process. If she were human, she would be the equivalent to Paris Hilton in the early 2000’s.

I tried to ignore it. I put a pillow over my head and fell back asleep. But not a good sleep….a jerk myself awake every 5 minutes sleep. I finally caved, got up and let her out. Ugh! But damn she is cute. She was so happy to see me. How do you not just smile at her vacant, empty head? She is always so happy. Ignorance is bliss.

Full day of work. Came hone to do dialysis. Treatment once again extended almost 60 minutes longer than normal. Ugh! I get 25 minutes while I am priming the machine to make something to eat and do any tasks I need to do. Then it’s up in Ethan’s room for the rest of the evening. Then once treatment is over, I have to break everything down and reload for the next treatment in whatever capacity that may be. This is a lot of freaking work.

I wish we could hurry the state along in the process of Medicare and Medicaid. But I have just accepted that we likely won’t have that situated until November. Sigh. We just want to get this over with at this point.

Once we get approved for both (we must be approved for both before moving forward) then Ethan’s case can be taken to the transplant team so they can make a final decision of if he is a good candidate or not. (Even though we all know he is). It’s just the process.

Waiting is hard.

Paul and I have plans to see some friends we haven’t seen in ages. Most since pre-covid. That is exciting. It is something to look forward to. These long days can get draining. The weekends help.


  1. It seems to me that your dogs are well trained as super models . I'm loving this pic of Penny. Great tilt of the head and long beautiful extension of the torso. Ha! Ha! I bet she's hard to stay mad at with her little sweet face. I'm so glad you have a fun weekend ahead. Friendships make everything better. Wink. Wink. Just think..... someday dialysis will be far behind you and Ethan. Right? That's the plan? Come on insurance...let's get the party started. The more stories I hear about insurance companies, the more I loathe them. Waiting is hard. I am not very good at it. You are doing great! xoxo


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