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😊 10/17/21

I worked for a short time today. I came home and decided to quick clean out my closet and drawers. Then my hall closet. Then I had several bags for donation. This makes me happy as I would love to help someone out in my community. I am going to give it to the town clothing closet. 

Not to brag, but my mom runs the Undie Sunday at her church. The name cracks me up but I am always proud of her when she takes this on. Undie Sunday encourages all the members to donate NEW underwear of all sizes. Kids, ladies, men…and then they are dispersed amongst families in need within the community.

I have also been purchasing different items each grocery run to donate to the local food pantry.

I can’t do much as far as donating my time goes, but this does make me feel like I am helping. I found on Amazon that I can get 6 tubes of toothpaste for $1.40 per tube. I try to make small purchases so we don’t really notice it. I also save the lotions and shampoos from hotels that we go to and donate those as well. I have a box I add the items to. When I fill it, I will donate all the items. I have an overwhelming feeling to help as our community was so generous to us when Ethan was so sick.

I was able to do a quick food prep for the week for our lunches and dinners. I threw a bunch of meals in the freezer. 

Today we had dialysis. I find that I can combine dialysis with my mom/wife chores which today was folding towels. It’s an exciting life I live. 

We also got an exciting note in the mail saying we need to pick a health plan. I read the directions and started filling it out online. The first question was “who is filling this form out?” I thought to myself, maybe I should fill this out as if I am Ethan. I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. Even though Ethan was in the room with me, I get it was fraudulent. Second question “what is your relationship to the beneficiary?” One of the choices was parent, one of the choices was self. Oh perfect. I can’t fill this out as the parent, it will be truthful, and we can move on.

I put my name for question. Select parent for the second question and picked “next”. 

“What are the last 4 digits of your social security number?” I paused. My social or Ethan’s? Ummmm….. we will go with Ethan’s? Crossed my fingers.

As I am clicking the boxes and selecting the appropriate coverage, I get to the end where I agreed to the terms.  I selected “accept” the next box is “sign”.  Almost done.

When I hit “sign” it said “one of my family members was not eligible for coverage and gave me a number to call. 😳 are you kidding me? I don’t have time to do this during the week. I know exactly what will happen. I will be on hold for who knows how long….who works and has time to do this as well?

 I took a big annoying and cleansing breath. Literally the only family member I need to have covered is Ethan. So if he is the family member, I might pull all my hair out. So I will add it to my list of things to do.

Other than that, my bright spot today was that I was able to get so much done. Thank goodness for weekends without obligations.
