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Rain! Ugh. Not cool for the last camping weekend. Paul told me no animals camping as the kids and their friends are at the house. What? No animals? It is like asking me to hold my breath for the entire weekend. So I only snuck one animal with us. It was too late. Paul didn’t even know he was there until after we arrived. It is not considered camping unless there are animals with us. Lucky Ferguson.

I have to work in the morning so we stayed close to home.  Ethan has been working in the garage all week on his go-kart. Paul and I agree it is great to see him out there again. It is great therapy for him to process things.

Paul and I were talking tonight and I realized that we are preparing for the same thing to happen again. Paul said that “it is going to suck not being with you guys for Christmas”. Technically, if things go as they are supposed to, we will be back to the apartment by mid December….Paul and Avery will be able too become visit and even go see the big tree.

I guess it is hard for us to  process. We just assume things will go the same way. Deep down I have a sense of calm. It’s weird.

Even a crappy and raining, cold night camping was full of laughter as we were surrounded by friends. ❤️
