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Today I worked. Then went back to camping. We hung out this afternoon around the campfire to stay warm. Luckily the rain subsided. Ethan and his friends raced their go-karts and got muddy. He had fun.

A day with friends is just the fix I needed. We went to a Halloween party. While we were there, I noticed there was a “vote for best costume” box. Everyone was to vote for the best costume. First prize was some gift cards.

I thought it would have been funny if we all voted for a costume that didn’t exist. Then that would win first place….and how funny it would be that they announced a costume that didn’t exhaust. This is a bad habit I have when I have had a drink or two. Coming up with non-hurtful ways to punk everyone. I convinced everyone in our party to vote for the “tampon” costume (which did not exist). The “tampon” costume turned into the” Paul and Paul tampons”.  There is a chance we stuffed the ballot when no one was looking.

I kept trying to convince everyone to vote multiple times to “fix” the contest. Well it worked. As we went to leave, the Paul and Paul tampons won the costume contest and some gift cards. We did not collect the prize because that wasn’t the point. But we did laugh and laugh and laugh.

It was a fun night amongst friends. The laughter was bountiful. We ended up leaving empty handed and walked back to our campfire to laugh about the evenings events. What a memorable day!

This group should be named “trouble”.


  1. I love the name - perfect!
    It was a wonderful weekend filled with lots of laughs. The best medicine...

  2. OMG. You are so naughty. I love it. xoxo


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