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Spent the entire morning at work. It was good work. We did 3 C-Sections. Lots of good puppy noises and cuddles, but long morning.

When I got home, I immediately went up to get dialysis started. I was able to get some “business” done while dialysis was going on. I make sure that Ferguson gets lots of kisses and I tell him how handsome he is.  I get my Emails sent, banking, calling prescription refills into the pharmacy, grocery shopping on instacart (thankfully this exists)…….I try to utilize the time the best that I can.

Ethan also needed a hair cut, so we did that after dialysis. He was looking a bit rough, but now he has much cleaner hair lines.  I have been cutting his hair since he was born. I have only once (maybe twice) taken him to have his hair cut. Ethan has always liked being home, so it just is convenient for both of us.

I am feeling extra tired this evening. So I am going to bed early and trying to catch up on some rest. When your body tells you to rest, you should listen. Thanks do have other things I should be doing, but I am going to sleep them all away…..maybe tomorrow….maybe not. Who knows.
