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Today was long. I was thankful for a break from dialysis. I did, however, get it all set up for tomorrow. I am ready to go. 

Ethan continues to gain weight. He is steadily increasing as the days move forward.  

I went to the pharmacy to pick up Ethan’s medications….for the second time and found that the rejection medication was not in the bunch (when I got home). We ran out a couple days ago. He takes 3 mg twice a day. The 1 mg capsules have been gone since Sunday. I have been using the 0.5 mg capsules and giving him 6. He has not had a lapse in medication.

I called the pharmacy to inquire why. Ethan’s pharmacist (who is so nice and asks how he is doing all the time), said he had sent the request to NYC for refill twice.  I told him I would send an email.  

I sent the email and within 5 minutes (6:58 pm) Ethan’s pharmacist called me back and said that the medication had been called in by Ethan’s doctor. He even asked if I wanted to come get it.  Knowing that he closed the pharmacy at 7:00, he was willing to wait for me. This was so above and beyond what was expected. I declined and will pick it up tomorrow but Wow! That was very thoughtful.

I so much appreciate being from a small town. When I communicated with Ethan’s doctor, she was floored that the pharmacist knew exactly who he was. I do like knowing that Ethan has all of these people invested in his care and wellbeing.

We are just about ready for our trip to NYC next week. It is going to be a doozy. Ethan and I are going to be roomies.  We are trying a different hotel this time. We are hoping to meet up with some of our friends on the day we arrive.

Next Wednesday will be a long day for both Ethan and I, but mostly him. He has to lay flat for 4 hours and THEN go back to the hotel and be tethered to the dialysis machine for several hours. Long day. We will have to make up for it with the food we order.


  1. Your pharmacist is amazing! Wow. Next week in NYC sounds intense...... absolutely think about all the food you can order though. xoxo


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