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Woke up this morning and happily skipped to the shower. Showering is like a nice friendly hug first thing in the morning. It eases the sleep out of your body. I turned on the faucet to warm things up. I don’t like the floor to be cold on my bare feet.

Things didn’t warm up. I am standing there nude, and it’s as cold as death. 🤬. I then went through the motions of asking myself if I screwed it up. It seems pretty straight forward, but who knows. I then went through the motions of maybe the hot and cold knobs are mixed up. Nope. Maybe I turned the knob too far or not far enough. Nope. I checked the sink. No hot water there either.

I proceeded to wash up and wash my hair in the sink with cold water. I can’t be showing up at our appointments filthy. I had coffee to make my anger go away.

Ethan and I went down to wait for our Uber. I mentioned to the front desk that we had no hot water. The desk attendant didn’t apologize just said he would “send someone up” to look at it. I will readdress the situation when we return but it was obvious this was NOT the person that had any authority, nor empathy,  to deal with the situation.

While we were gone, the water issue was fixed. Thank god!

Ethan went to the lab and had a smidgeon of blood drawn, 28 tubes to be exact. I had 22 drawn.

We both had our appointments. They told me I would be released in 2-3 days. So I am hoping for the sooner the better. 

We did find that Ethan will have to get admitted to a private room the night before. Boo! He was pissed. He needs to have dialysis as an inpatient treatment, so he can go into surgery with the least amount of toxins in his blood. They said I can stay with him that night and we will be able to be escorted to surgery together.

When we got back to the room, I got a call from the office we were just at. They wanted to schedule an appointment for next Monday to have Ethan seen for his pre-op.  “Um… thank you.” I said. She explained he NEEDED to be seen and we needed to sign paperwork and then a bunch of other reasons we had to be in person. I asked for a video visit. Apparently it couldn’t be a video visit.

“We met with the nephrologist today, had all our bloodwork, EKG and xray…..we did it today…..why do we have to come back in a week?”

“You have to sign paperwork.” She said.

Pissed and frustrated, I ended the call. What the hell. Why wouldn’t they have scheduled everything, they know how far away we live. Now I have to take more time off from work, him from school….plus travel costs, wear and tear on the car and hotel/food……ugh!

Nope! Nope! I vented my frustration to Ethan. 

I feverishly wrote a letter to the head nephrologist asking if we could make this a video visit. I sent it.

I got another call. It was a lady apologizing, she failed to see (or listen to me) that we have completed this portion TODAY. I was so thankful we didn’t have to make this trip next week as I wasn’t going to comply with it.

So yes! We are in the final countdown (do do dooo doooooooo….do so doooo dooo doooooooo….by Europe)


  1. The second best song by Europe! (Carrie being the first, LOL!! Actually, I don't care for that song)
    I love your sense of humor in the face of all this stress!!
    And your tenaciousness paid off- again! Keep it up, Patti! You are a superwoman and the best advocate for Ethan. And your family. A repeat trip to NYC in a few days would not be ideal!
    Safe travels back to WNY.❤️

  2. FINAL COUNTDOWN! Cue up the theme from Rocky too..... you're going to need some mega ballads and a ghetto blaster on your shoulder when you walk back into the hospital. That would probably cause some stares and some chuckles. xoxo


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