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11/2/21 🚗

I reached out to the transplant team to see if they can give me tips on how to help Ethan navigate this month emotionally. They recommended him talking to someone…..which he doesn’t want to do. I am trying to set him up with a person to help him transition from pediatrics to adulthood that may sneak in some advice regarding other people that have been in his shoes. We will see how that works. 

Ethan really wants to drive his car. Paul and I have been working on our own things like documents, collections years work and getting wood ready for the winter for our wood burning stove. We have a big stack of wood in front of where he keeps his car.

We offered him two different vehicles to drive but he ONLY wants to drive his car. He was getting a bit belligerent about he wants to drive HIS car. I know he is being a mix of a teenager and his anxiety is swirling…but it does make my short fuse when I got home, a little shorter.

Tomorrow is my day off, but it is our “acquisition day” at work and corporate is moving in. I am required to be at work all day. It makes it hard to get things done at home. I rescheduled three appointments to be there. I am tired already and it is only Tuesday. I am looking forward to it. I am hoping we get done early so we can all go out for a drink afterward.! We will see.


  1. Cheers to Wednesday! I hope yesterday went smoother than you expected. xoxo


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