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We all should be thankful, especially this week. I may have been especially saucey today. I played a few fun tricks on some co-workers. I like to play harmless pranks. Pranks serve two purposes.  One is the entertainment I get from imagining how the joke will be received. The other is, the prank actually unfolding and then I am rewarded with sharing a smile. Sharing smiles spreads joy and we all can benefit from it.

Ethan and I wrapped up our final zoom calls (the ones they wanted us to do in person) over the lunch hour.  We now have sone consents to fill out and return. 

We have been told a few different versions of how Tuesday morning is going to unfold and what to expect.  After the third version today, I asked for clarification. We were left with we may or may not be in the same hospital for the surgery. We may or may not be able to be with each other before surgery. We may or may not be in the same hospital to have the surgery done. In one version we are across the hall from one another, in the adult hospital. The part that is throwing everyone off is that Ethan is 18. He is considered “pediatric” but is also an “adult”. I am waiting for a call from someone tomorrow with the exact info.

I am starting to worry a little about getting up so early on Tuesday without the ability to have my warm and friendly kick in the pants that my morning, that my coffee offers. Good luck to everyone that morning, I may be especially slow to comprehend. I am not mean or grumpy without coffee it more so I’m petulant and slow.  I am just not clear minded. If my brain were the internet, and each thought was searched, my internet would be searching things using dial up internet from the 90’s.  SLOW and unproductive. It’s just one day though.

I am off to recharge these batteries if mine. I welcome sleep. ❤️

