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Night one in the apartment. WAY QUIETER than the last apartment. It is also dark because it is a “garden” apartment. It doesn’t have a lot of natural light and is hard to gauge time when the curtains are closed. It was funny to see Ethan reacting to the clicking and rattling of the heating system.

Paul and I took a walk this morning all around the surrounding city blocks, just to check out the area. The sun was out and warming us up. We found a little park near by that was cute.

We waited and waited and waited for our call to be admitted so Ethan could have dialysis. I reached out around 1 pm and was told all the rooms in the hospital are full and they are waiting for patients to be discharged so Ethan could have a bed. 

Finally around 4:00 we got the call. I reached out to the kidney transplant coordinator to make sure dialysis was still happening. Paul, Ethan and I headed over to the hospital. 

We still aren’t sure where we go and when in the morning. We spewed all of our questions all over all the doctors. We were assured we will have the answer to what hospital we go to and when as we wait.

Ethan walked in and was immediately triggered. He became quite grumpy and unpleasant to be around. Of course, he has every right to feel that way.  Then….his friends from 9 Tower came to the rescue. He perked up and became delightful. They really helped change the course of our evening. Thank you!!!!!

Finally…it was time for Ethan’s LAST dialysis session. His nurse came in and introduced herself. “Hi” she said….

“My name is Janice, and I will be your dialysis nurse today.” I couldn’t look at Ethan. I looked at my feet. She walked away and Ethan and I immediately exchanged glances as well as snickered. What a perfect way to end his last dialysis treatment….with JANICE!

I think we are both ready to kick HELL in the balls WHILE we kick ass! We appreciate all the support and well wishes! I will try to update tomorrow.


  1. Love the shirts! I’m excited for you both, to get this done and over with and head towards the healing process. Sending hugs prayers and love to you all. And KICK ASS!!!

  2. OMGosh…Janice!! I do love your shirts. I am sending all my positive thoughts and prayers to all of you on this journey. KICK ASS!!!

  3. You go kick some ass! Sending love and prayers your way!

  4. AND WE'RE ON!!!!!!! Ethan. NO NONSENSE, DUDE. Got it? I AM NOT KIDDING, YOUNG MAN!!!!! We've got this! (Wait... they said that last time.... BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT.) I am so proud of all o' youse. Praying for each one of you. God bless you all, and the hands and decisions of these surgical teams. You are loved!

  5. Kick Hell in the ball as you kick ass!!! Prayers and Hugs to you all.

  6. Woo hoo!!!!!! It's go time. Janice was the nurse? That's simply fantastic. You can't make this stuff up. We are cheering LOUDLY from afar. You've got this! KICK SOME ASS!

  7. OMG, Janice!!! That’s hysterical…very fitting for the end of dialysis. So happy you and Ethan will have your time, and freedom again. Woo hoo!!!

    Thinking of you all. Praying for surgery to go well…Dear God, not even the tinniest of hiccups this time please. 🙏 You two and the surgical team got this!!!

    Kick some ass all over again!! Love, love, love the shirts!!!! 🙏🙏💚❤️


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