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 We had a pretty exciting day. We met up with a classmate of Ethan’s and her family today in Central Park. As we were waiting for them, Ethan and I walked around and really enjoyed the wild life. There were curious geese, that were walking right up to us. You could tell if they were behind you because their big webbed feet slapped against the pavement. Not graceful at all.  But the funniest was the tree of squirrels. There were so many. We kept throwing acorns to them. They would pick up the acorns as if they were diamonds we were throwing. Then they would slovenly run away with their well fed, pudgy bodies.

We met up with Ethan’s friend and her family and had a delightful time walking around and looking at the beauty of nature in the city. I had never met them but it felt like I had known them for ages.  We walked by conservatory, through the park and to the water fall. It’s so weird to see this picturesque little waterfall in the middle of a big city. 

You would never know it though, it was very quiet and reminiscent of being back home.

This family offered to drive us home, but I had wanted to stop at Levain Bakery and was just going to take an Uber. They decided they also wanted to check it out. The bakery was a hole in the wall with several people inside.

It smelled so good in there. I was a little disappointed that they had run out of cookies. Ethan and I got a slice of cake. Ethan’s friend had gotten some chocolate chip banana bread. They were so nice and dropped us back off at the apartment, before making the trek back to Rochester. 

One thing that was so great, was that Ethan has been craving seeing his friends and just being around someone his own age. It really perked up his spirits. It is hard being so far away. It was nice to have a slice of home so close. This was a priceless gift that this family had given us and had no idea how special this was for Ethan and myself. 

We spent the rest of the day resting from our big walk around Central Park.


  1. Patti, it was our pleasure! We were so happy to meet you and enjoy some time together. Just finished my blueberry muffin. ��

  2. The gift of time and friendship is the best. So glad that you got some when you both needed it most. Love you

  3. That is so wonderful! I'm glad you had a nice time and got to experience Central Park. xoxo

  4. I recognize the tunnel pic - used in many TV shows and movies. Central Park is certainly a beautiful oasis in the midst of all of the concrete and steel. I'm happy you are getting fresh air and friends therapy - both you and Ethan.

  5. How wonderful Ethan got to see a classmate! Sounds like a great visit and good day for all of you. ❤️


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