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❤️ 12/20/2021

I was a bit disappointed with Airbnb (the company) today (not our hosts). The company charged the wrong card on file. The card I wanted charged, was set as the default card, as I understood “default” to be the card they would use. Boy did I misunderstand the meaning of that word. They charged an old card, and one I did NOT want used. 

When I called the company to let them know of their error, they can’t reverse the charge and then charge the correct card. Why? Not sure because literally every other business can do this. It was frustrating and annoying because this wasn’t my fault. I even tried to speak with a manager, but apparently they don’t do that. I reached out to the hosts and I am hoping to go about it with a different, out side of the box approach.

Moving along, Ethan made out well with his Dr. appointment today. He gets to discontinue his weekly injections for anemia and his daily injections for blood clots. This is superb news. 

His rejection medication levels shot up high again, causing him to be tired. So high that we have to skip a dose. So regulating continues. Last time it took 10 months before he was regulated.

His potassium level has gone high as a result of the high rejection medication. This is dangerous for his heart, so we had to start a new medication to bring that down. Everything will equal out once his rejection medication is regulated. It’s just a balancing act with all his other blood values to keep all his organs safe.

Both of his kidney values are high again, which isn’t overly concerning, because it is a side effect of the unregulated rejection medication. Again, The sooner we can get it in check, the better.

His doctor said he was hydrating well based on his urine results. She was pleased that he is drinking a proper amount!!!!!! 

We have to go back Thursday to check his lab work and see where things stand. I asked to decrease the dose of the medication that the side effect is rising his rejection medication. They had recently doubled the dose of what he was getting, so I thought this would be an appropriate counter move. I will bring it up again any time, moving forward, we get a high rejection Med level. 

After 1 month, I am going to push to switch to the long acting rejection medication that we were denied on Ethan’s previous insurance. That one month will be New Year’s Eve.

We Walked a bit today as well today. We have to get our blood pumping. 

Thank you everyone for your comments and texts I read them every day. ❤️


  1. I need you back in Rochester because my dog currently has a small dead animal in her mouth and I don't want to deal with it! She's outside, thinking about what she did. Not giving up.

    1. Ok. Problem solved. It wasn't a small dead animal. It was a scapula as big as my hand. Still gross.

  2. eww, Jenny! Glad she gave that dead animal up! I've also tagged Patti virtually with a minor dog crisis 😉

    Patti - you continue to be an excellent advocate for Ethan, using your smarts and experience to suggest different dosing. If I'm ever in a situation like this, I'm hiring you! I hope you also get your Airbnb details figured out. I knew a couple of Airbnb hosts - I'll reach out and see if this is something they ever encountered and/or know how to correct.

    Keep that blood pumping! ❤️

  3. Wow. One medicine gets tweaked, then they all need tweaking. Wild stuff. I am in awe. You have gained so much knowledge about internal medicine. It's so so impressive. I'm sorry about the Airbnb issue. Somebody can absolutely refund that card and use another card. That makes no sense that they can't. I do this at my work all the time. You just have to find the right Airbnb employee. Not rocket science. Keep on swimming my friend....


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