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I received word that the insurance company that I tried to submit my disability insurance claim to is not the correct company. The insurance lady contacted me and let me know that my claim was not going to be processed and that I would have to check back with corporate to see what the next step is.

I checked with the corporate and found the name of a company I could “try” to apply to but likely my claim will not go through because of our acquisition date.

I then researched the top members of our corporate business as I would like to write a professional letter to them letting them know how difficult this process has been. Maybe they can make changes to their protocol. Perhaps in the future any other businesses that they acquire, somebody won’t have to go through this again. I would really like to make sure that they know what a hardship this has caused. If anything, I feel as though if I can make it better for someone else, I helped in some way. 

I will remain hopeful but have accepted that I will not get disability for the time I have been out for my surgery. 

On a different note, I am so much loving my bird feeders. On todays’s episode of bird feeders drama….Mr. Bluejay and Mrs. Cardinal are cheating on their spouses to try and make a rare purple species of bird. Mr. Squirrel is eating all the seed and is on his way of developing diabetes.

We had Ethan’s video visit today. We are decreasing one of his medications because it made his kidney values elevate. Everything else looks pretty good. We go back to NYC next Tuesday for our Wednesday appointment. We will leave after Ethan is done with class.


  1. commuting to NYC 😉 better than having to live there for stretches at a time- yay!
    I hope your new ER can figure this out for you. It's not easy - I found the same to be true when I took PFL.
    We have the same bird drama here- they entertain me as I work. It's like watching an avian reality TV show. Keep on keeping on! You are all kicking ASS!

  2. I shake my fists at the sky for you! WTF? Why do companies make systems so complicated? Help people out. It's really not rocket science. Truly. I figure out solutions EVERYDAY at work. It's not mission impossible. I'm feel so frustrated and angry for you. As for your bird feeder drama, you might have a hit show on your hands. The Bird Housewives of Monroe County. I can't believe you have to go back to NYC so soon. Wow....

  3. I definitely agree with steadyvt. Health insurance and disability are so frustrating.

    I'm glad you at least have the bird feeder drama for something fun to think about!



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